part 10- Another day pt. 4

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The bell rings for its the end of school. I rush down to the second floor to take what I need.

Meanwhile I was in 6th period, Jessica texted me asking whether I wanted to go to 'Starbuck'. I said 'Ya sure.' And texted my mom aboit it. My mom generally accepted.

Inner me: best mom ever 💖

So right after coming out of school I found Jessica with a few others I knew and we head towards 'Starbucks'.
It was only a few blocks away from school so we walked all the way. We got inside to find a small line and a few people from school there.

I get in line and take out my wallet. I always carry a generous amount. 😁😂
I have a $5 so I am able to get myself a Venti Iced Green Tea Latte.

Inner me: my fav 👌😚

I get to the cashier and tell her what I would like. She asks for my name and I say "Sofia... S o f i a. Or spells it however."

Inner me: I'm such a freak about my name 😖

As I reach to take out my $5, a hand from behind gives out $5 and says "Here I'll pay."
I blush and am shocked at who it can be.
I turn my head to see it's Jin.

Inner me: Omg 😢 my prince charming 💖😗

I stare at him for a while admiring him then switch back to reality and thank him.
He says "No problem" with a smile.

I move out of the way for the others to order, I look at my friends and their laughing at me because I'm still blushing.
He is so generous and kind... I'm flattered.

Inner me: I'm might need an ambulance next time 😖💖

I get my drink and wait for the others.
I stand there waiting and sipping as I see someone coming to me. I notice and turn my head to see it Jin, again.

Inner me: CALL 911 WTF DO I DO 😢

I smile as he comes up and says "Hey again, I was wondering would you like to work on the Chemistry project with me, as you know the rest of the group aren't the biggest workers?"
I reply "Sure when?"
He says "Tomorrow come by my place and then we'll decide either to go somewhere or stay. Is that good?"
I say "Yes."
He asks for my number which I generously give.
He smiles and walks away.

Inner me: *crying internally* 😢

I turn to see my friends laughing even more at me. I blush even more and start laughing as well.
They all ask me how I feel... I simple answer "Gucci I feel like Gucci." 💖

I go to the bus stop and wait. I get on and keep thinking about today.

I get home and go to my room. Take out my homework and put my phone on charge.

I text Emily.

Me: hey guess what happened today. 😁

Emily: what?

Me: someone wants to talk to u

Emily: who?

Me: (323)***-****

Emily: whose is it.

Me: text and see

*5 mins later*

Emily: OMFG it's Jungkook

Me: ye boii 😂

I continued conversation for a little then get a text from someone.
I check the message.

(323)***-****: hi it's Jin.

Inner me: dead 💖😢😖

I put him into my contacts.

Me: hey what's up

Jin💖: not bad you?

Me: ok wyd

Jin💖: hw you?

Me: same... so about tomorrow

Jin💖: yes you can come over *insert address* that's where I live

Me: k what time?

Jin💖: around 1 or 1:30

Me: k see you tomorrow and good luck with ur hw

Jin💖: same goes to you 😉

Inner me: he sent a winky face 🤤 and I'm going to his place tomorrow wtf 😢

I screech and fall in to my pillow and continue saying 'wtf' or 'omfg'.

I finish my hw and prepare for tomorrow.
Go to the kitchen to find my Mom and Dad sitting on the couch watching TV. They are watching "Castle" other shows consist of "The Mentalist" and a few others. I sit down with them and watch.

Inner me: yass love criminal shows 😍

I ask "Is there anything to eatm"
My mom said "Make yourself something."
I go to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich and take apple juice. On my phone I watch YouTube.

Inner me: full luxury 😂

I finish my sandwich and apple juice, put away the fish and cup and head too the bathroom to do my business.

Inner me: ye nasty 😑

After the bathroom I head to my room and head into Social media.
Scrolling through Instagram I like and like... on Twitter I retweet and retweet.
Snapchat do my streaks.

Long before I knockout. 😴😴

Inner me: tomorrow.... jin... zzz prince... charming 😚💖

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