part 4- Hangout pt. 2

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I was sitting quietly thinking to myself. Thinking of my achievement, that I'm in the restaurant with all these guys, with my friends.

Inner me: 🎶"Celebration"🎶

Out of nowhere Taehyung asked "What are all your guy's names?"
As we haven't seen him a lot, I get it why he asked. I replied "My name is Sofia."
Pointing all the way down to my left to Frances, I said "That is Frances, next is Lori, then Jessica." Pointing to the right "Next to me is Emily, then Samantha, and Hazel/Skyla."
They all said hi.
As to the guys waved and said hi as well. Then Namjoon asked "Do you guys have any boyfreinds?" which everyone kind of blushed and giggled. We all replied no.
The guys looked at each other and smiled.

To my knowledge each of my friends has a preference. Frances as I mentioned has her eye on Yoongi. Lori has her eye on Hoseok, just like me. Jessica has her eye on Namjoon. I mentioned my crushes are Jimin and Hoseok.... seemingly starting to be all of them, wow I'm such a great friend. Emily has her eye of on Jungkook. Samantha has her eye either on Yoongi or Hoseok, but I don't clearly remember. And Hazel/Skyla has her eye on Taehyung.

Inner me: I'm the devil 😈

We all chatted about different subjects; school, life, hobbies and more.
They explained about their friendships and how they met each other which all of us thought adorable.
We got our food and at this point my group got lost.

You know when your with a guy and you want to be cute and eat in a specific way.... that's exactly what happened.

Inner me: Just eat the f***ing burger... YOUR HUNGRY THERE'S NO TIME FOR THIS S***

I went in and took a bite... ooof yummy. My friends looked at me... I didn't have much shame. Food is food... what am i going to do about it.
They all thought to themselves and went in as well.

I looked up to find all the guys enjoying their meals... and saw Jin who sat right in front of me make a 5 sec eye contact with me. I blushed.


I looked down and put down my half-eaten cheeseburger, leaned back and drank my drink. The rest sat up and looked at eachother.
I asked "How is the food?"
Everyone replied "Good" "Delicious" "Amazing"

We finished our food in roughly 20-30 min. Payed roughly $70.
Coming out of the restaurant we thanked the servant and I tipped $4.

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