part 9- Another day pt.3

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I get in line and wait... and wait... and Yes I get to the school kitchen, get a tray, get my food and put in my code.
Then I rush out to my friends and sit down with them. Today for lunch it's Rice with Beef. In my opinion I like it, some people don't.

Inner me: Food is food... fight me on that. 😡

I also brought cards to school... A game called 'Cards Against Humanity'.

*Yes I have this game 😁*

I play with Jessica, Lori, and Frances. Also a few others.
Overall it's funny af because the cards either make or do not make sense, and some are super dirty. 😖

We played through the whole lunch. As the bell rang I rush to pick up all the cards.

I throw away my food tray and head upstairs.
Also tag along my chocolate milk which I drink during 5th period, Chemistry. 😁

I get to class where my teacher, Mr. Lee, has a stern and calm expression as he always does. I greet him as he greets me.
As today we are doing groups I go sit down with my friends. Within our group we got partnered with Hoseok.

Inner me: what a joy 😶

Yes I do hate Chemistry, yet there is something I like about it. I don't know if its the science behind it.
I am thinking about this with closed eyes.

As I open my eyes, someone thought it'd be funny to put their face in front of mine. HOSEOK.

His face was a centimeter away from mine. Our lips were literally a millimeter close.

Inner me: ehhhhhhlkkkk 😶😶😶🤤

I pull away quick and cover my face as I am legit blushing as red as a tomato.
I also start laughing hysterically which makes the rest of the group laugh.

I pull away my hair and look at the blushing and smiling face of Hoseok.
I loudly say "Why tf did you do that?" meanwhile still laughing.

Inner me: oooooohhh my face is burning 😶😶

He says "I don't know just for fun."
He smirked as he said that.

Inner me: does he have a kink or something? 🤔

I continue on to ask "So what do we do?"
Someone says that we need to "blah blah blah..."

Ya I'm not a commoner to listen to science. Unless it's something that interests me.

My group just continued to talk about random stuff and laughed at dumb jokes, which also Jin is in Chemistry. He is king of making 'Dad Jokes'.

The bell rings and I rush to my 6th period, which is the last period thank god, Photography.

My teacher, Ms. Davis, is sweet, kind and enthusiastic. Yet, rude a** students decide it's funny to run around and f*** around in class.

Inner me: I legit would love the s*** out of them 🙂

As I'm finished with my photo final, one of them, I work on the 'Hello Kitty' assignment. It's cute and fun as I draw her as a cute pop-star on stage.

I talk to my friends...

*I have friends everywhere it's crazy 😂*

We talked about life and all that jazz. Jungkook and Taehyung are within this group now.

Jungkook eyes me, I know the reason.

I ask him "Are you ready to talk to her?"
He replies with a yes and blushes at the thought of her.

I think that's adorable.

Taehyung is in front of me sketching in his booklet. I slightly observe him to see what he is drawing.

*I love to draw myself 😄*

He loves to recreate Van Gogh's artworks. And he is really f***ing Good at it.

Inner me: I think I'm falling in love with the drawings. 😍

I ask him "How did you get into art?"
He replies "I was young and had a skill for it and so it developed."

I continued watching him draw and forgot about my artwork. How dumb of me. 😶☺

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