part 18- Skip through

14 3 4

* Sorry for not updating in the LONGEST time. I've been slacking and yet thinking of scenarios for this story.

We left on... oh yes.
I manage to give numbers to the people needed and in just a few hours after school I get a sh*t ton of messages.

Lori: Sofia why does Hoseok have my number?

Me: idk 😏

Lori: Imma murder you hoe

Me: 😂


Frances: bitch wtf

Me: what?

Frances: Yoongi is texting me... am I dreaming

Me: 😁

Frances: I swear to god wtf

Me: continue to talk with him 😉

Frances: kk


Yes I did something and I'm either loves or killed. Isn't that perfect for how life should be.
Welp I'm not done yet because more sh*t is coming up soon..


I got more hw, nothing new, and was waking to the bus stop with Jin.
We were holding hands as always and sat together.
He put his arm around me... as always.
We got off at our stop and decided to go to the park in our area.
It was interesting as the trees were either green or yellow-like.
We walked together and sat on a bench and talked I'm about different subjects.

One that came up was how did he manage to convince my parents for me to sleepover so easily.

"I didn't tell you the full truth about my family."
"What is it?" I thought it was gonna be like a threat... but
"My father is actually a businessman."
"My mom isn't that simple either.... she is a salon owner.... you might've heard of *insert name*."
"Yes.... oh my god no way!"
"Yes way."

Inner me: B I N G O 😙

In that moment I knew..... i f*cked up.... jk jk
But no seriously I was shook to hear that my boyfriend's parents are the coolest people in the block.
I told about my family's back ground, as he did with his.

*I personally love to speak my mind. It just my character. And people sometimes don't get it.
I feel left out and misunderstood, it hurts but what could be possibly done.
Going off of topic... my story is a fanfic... everyone can see that. And most of the time people create woulda which I did with this one.
My history is traumatic and I try and fill the holes with believable moments which I then share.
Like now.

We talked a bit more and then decided to head home. He dropped me off at my place and we said goodbye until tomorrow.

I got upstairs and found nothing new but the same apartment as always. I walked in to see myparents on the couch chilling, relaxing.
I know their tired and yet my mom stood up and kissed my cheek and ask whether I wanted anything to eat. I told her I'll make something myself and she gladly went back to the couch.

Inner me: no wonder Imma couch potato 😂

I made myself a bowl of cereal with milk. And watched YouTube as always. 

Inner me: cereal before milk or milk before cereal...m What do y'all do? 🤔

Watched a bit of makeup tutorials and a bit of gaming vids... and on and on.

I finished and washed the dishes.
Went into my room and started editing my homework while listening to some high beat music.

Inner me: 🎶Everyday day every everyday🎶

I seeming get relaxed while listening to music and doing my homework.
Many can agree good music gives peace to the soul.

During that I also got buzzed with thousands of texts from a bunch of people.

Lori: Hoseok wants to hang... wtf do I say

Me: say sure

Lori: it's not that fucking easy

Me: omfg 😂


Frances: Yoongi is asking to hang

Me: what did you say

Frances: that Imma think about it

Me: better be a good answer 😥


I am moral support.

Inner me: Sofia the First... coming to the rescue lol 😂

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