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Poetry doesn't seem to work anymore.
I don't get inspiration from my loneliness anymore.
You might say that's a good thing,
It's not.
It means I can't put it into words anymore.
My my heart aches,
Or my mind races.
How I know everyone hates me,
And how I just want to leave and release everyone of their burden which is me.
But I don't.
Because I've seen the after affect.
And a few things keep me tied down.
Keep me feeling.
Past few days I've woke up numb,
But then they're there.
I smile,
And know.
I should be here.
The thoughts don't go away,
Oh no they don't.
And they definitely get worse.
But they're there,
Those people,
The anchors keeping me stable.
They stay put and aren't moved.
Sure they wobble and sometimes I'm so high in the clouds I can't see them.
But they're there.
And I'm here.

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