Ride Home

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It was a chilly night in September.
Jessica was dragged to a football game by her best friend Sarah.
Jessica never really cared for stuff like this.  Call her weird but honestly she'd just rather stay in.

Sarah was always the life of the party no matter where she was.  She was very outgoing and just a fun person to be around.

Jessica scrolled through her phone as the crowd of people around her cheered on their team.

"Hello!  Earth to Jessica!  What are you doing?!  Get off your phone, we're winning!  LOOK!"

"That's great, Sarah.  Look, I'm gonna walk home.  I have a lot of homework to do and if it doesn't get finished my parents are gonna kill me."

"You have the whole weekend, Jess!"

"I know but I'd rather just get it done now."

"But I don't wanna leave!"

"I didn't ask you to.  You stay, I'm gonna walk home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

"Alright.  Be carful!"

"You too!"

Just like that, Jessica was over the entire night.
While walking home Jessica was startled by a car slowing down beside her.

Jessica didn't acknowledge the car, but in that moment her heart started beating so fast.  She was terrified.


Jessica hears a guy's voice and let's out a small gasp.

"Lange, right?"

"Huh?" Jessica turned to face the car.

"Sorry if I scared you.  I'm Derek.  Derek Jones." He smiles.

"Oh!  It's alright!" Jessica laughs and grabs her chest.

"Can I give you a ride somewhere?"

"I'm actually just going home."

"Well can I give you a ride home?" Derek said with a soft chuckle.

"Uh.. sure.  I'd appreciate that, thanks."

"It's no problem.  Hop in."


"So Jessica.. I've been wanting to get to know you a little better."

"You have?"

"Yeah.  Would you like to maybe grab a burger or something?"


Derek turned and smiled quickly before facing the road.

Jessica felt her heart begin to race once again and her stomach started doing flips.
This was all so unreal.

After a quick burger Derek drove her home.
Jessica felt so happy. She couldn't stop smiling.
She really felt something special for this guy.


It was now Saturday and Derek texted Jessica asking if she wanted to go out.
Jessica's parents were very strict so she didn't tell them who she was going to be going out with. He was known to be trouble and Jessica didn't feel like hearing it.
She's heard things about him but Jessica was starting not to believe them. Derek was so sweet with Jessica the night before. To Jessica, Derek seemed like a total sweetheart.

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