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"Help me!  Somebody please help us!"

The family Brynlee was speaking to just minutes before, noticed and ran over.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?!"

"I-I don't know!  She was eating a.. DAMMIT!" Derek shouts as he looks down to the Go Gurt in Brynlee's hand.

"It's blueberry.  She's allergic to blueberries!"

"Jonathan, call an ambulance. Look at me, sweetie. You're going to be okay." The woman held her and spoke in a soothing voice.

"Do you have a epinephrine pen?" She asks Derek.

"A what?"

"Nathan, hand me my purse, Now!" She tells her son.

"What are you giving her?"

"She needs an injection. It will help her until the ambulance gets here. Don't worry, it's never been used. If I don't do this.."

"Then what?"

The woman looked down and nodded her head.
If Brynlee was not given an injection Immediately she'd be gone within minutes.

Derek stood there being completely useless.

Brynlee calmed down after the injection but was still having some trouble breathing. Between the reaction and the scare of it all, it was just too much for her.

When the ambulance arrived they took Brynlee and asked the woman if she was her mother.

"No, I'm not." She nods.

"I'm her father!" Derek steps in.

"Okay, come with us."

As they pulled Brynlee away from the woman, she grabbed her arm as tight as she could.

"Sweetie, they're going to help you."

"Stay.. please.." Brynlee looked into the woman's eyes.

"Can I go?" The woman asks the paramedic.

"Yes, hurry!"

The woman left her children with her husband and stayed with Brynlee.
Even at a time like this Brynlee did not want her father.
She held onto the woman's hand the whole way over.

"My mommy.. I want my mommy.."

"Where's her mother?" The woman asks Derek.

"I can't call her, she'll be pissed at me!"

"You are not important right now! Call her mother!" The woman raises her voice.

"Please.. I want my mommy and daddy!" Brynlee cries.

"We'll make sure they're called, sweetheart."

"Thank you.."


"Hello?" Jessica answers her phone.

"Jessica, don't freak out."

"What happened?"

"Brynlee had an allergic reaction at the park and we're in the emergency room right now."

"What?! Oh my gosh, is she okay?!"

"She's fine. Some lady helped us. They need to monitor her because she could start showing symptoms and it could be even worse this time around."

"Oh God. Damn you, Derek! You're so goddamn stupid!"


"Where's mommy and daddy?" Brynlee asked when Derek walked back into the room.

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