The Phone Call

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The next day, Chloe got up around 6 am. She drank a glass of hot milk, ate a slice of toasted bread, put on her work-out clothes and then - after doing some stretching - went out of her dorm. The morning jogging always helped her clearing her mind. 

The night before she had hoped to go out and speak to Aubrey. She wanted to tell her friend that she had been feeling really confused lately, that she didn't even know whether it was a good thing or not, that Beca had got into her head and that she couldn't make sense of it all. She wanted to say it out loud. But then they had bumped into the pretty brunette and Amy so they hadn't been able to talk anymore. 

Chloe knew she liked Beca. What she couldn't understand was if she just wanted so badly to be friends with her or...maybe more than that. And that beautiful, tight hug had made her more confused: feeling Beca so close to her, her breath against her collarbone, her warmth... Chloe had felt shivers down her spine, and not because of the evening breeze. 

The redhead had been running around the campus for nearly 45 minutes when she received a call from Aubrey. Obviously the blonde had already got up. Chloe seized the opportunity to rest for a few seconds, sat on the nearest bench and answered:

C: "Hey, good morning! What's up?"

A: "Hi! I'm just calling to remind you of your promise"

Ugh. True. She had forgot they still had to talk. 

C: "Oh, yeah" - her voice sounded more enthusiastic than intended - "What about that?"

A: "You are telling me!" - she was nearly shouting, but Chloe could tell she was smiling. Maybe her bad mood had gone away and they really could talk - "What's going on between you and the freak girl?"

C: "Do not call her that, please" - Chloe's smile faded, suddenly serious. 

A: "Oookay" - she was clearly taken aback - "Still, answer the question, Beale".

The ginger didn't know what to say. For the first time in, like, forever, Chloe Beale didn't know what to do with her feelings. Should she confess Aubrey that maybe she had fallen for the brunette? Should she tell her that maybe she just wanted to get to know Beca better? No. It wouldn't make sense, not when all those maybes were there.

C: "There's nothing going on, Bree" - she heard herself saying - "I just think that Beca and I could really be...good friends, that's it". 

A: "Chloe" - her tone was theatrical - "I'm only saying this once, then never again...: if you looked at me in the same way you look at Beca EVERY TIME she isn't watching, I would freak out and think that my best friend is in love with me. There, I said it".

At the words "in love", Chloe's heart skipped a beat. Did Aubrey think that it was obvious? Did other people notice it? How could she already be in love with Beca when they barely knew each other??

C: "Bree, I'd better go now, I have to get back to my dorm and get read- "

A: "DON'T YOU DARE HANGING UP"- Chloe had to move her phone from her ear because of the loud yelling - "I don't want to see your heart crushed, Chlo"- she continued in a softer tone - "First of all because I need you focused on the Bellas and secondly because you are my friend"

C: "...Maybe the other way round would have been better, but thanks"

A: "What I mean" - she ignored the redhead - "is that there is no way you and Beca could end up together, you are not compatible. And if I know you right - which I do - you do have feelings for her. But that's going to make you suffer, Chlo, if you do not get over it. Just being honest here".

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