Christmas 2.0 (3/3) The Pitcher

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A/N: I'm alive. Apologies are after the chapter. Love ya. Enjoy.

When Chloe woke up, she had to blink a few times before her eyes could adjust to the light that was coming from the window. She and Beca must have forgot to pull the curtains before falling asleep, Chloe thought. She yawned, still feeling numb from the long time spent on the plane the previous day, and rolled to the side, only a few inches from Beca's lukewarm body. Chloe smiled. Beca looked so peaceful... almost like she hadn't had a good sleep like that in weeks... and Chloe immediately felt bad, knowing it must have been her fault. But she should stop overthinking what had happened... The past was in the past, and she needed to focus on Beca and on their happiness. Together.

Chloe enveloped Beca's waist with her arm, tugged on the t-shirt she was wearing and pulled her closer, placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder and then another one at the base of her neck. Beca moaned quietly and Chloe chuckled under her breath, "Merry Christmas, my love", she whispered as soon as she noticed Beca's eyes open slightly.

The brunette frowned and closed her eyes again, "What time is it?", she slurred.

"Um...", Chloe leaned forward and unlocked her cellphone, "Eight thirty"

Beca grunted. She yawned, grabbed the hem of the duvet and pulled it over her head, seeking shelter from the light. In the space of twenty seconds, her breathing had slowed down again and Beca had fallen back asleep. Chloe laughed and shook her head. Of course it was too early, she should have known better. She let her hand linger a few moments longer on Beca's hip and then slid it down to her nude leg, loving how soft her skin felt to the touch, adoring how she could touch her without guilt, full aware that Beca didn't mind being caressed by her... She kept stroking her, careful not to bother her nor to wake her up. She would have stayed there admiring her the whole day... But she couldn't.

She leaned in with a grin and placed another kiss on the exposed top of her head. "I love you", she murmured. Beca didn't answer. Chloe kept grinning as she slid out of the cover, out of the bed, and slipped into her slippers. She stretched, quickly wore a pair of shorts, and pulled her hair up into a sloppy bun before padding toward the door and exiting the room.

She descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen. "Good morning", she smiled once she recognized Martha sitting at the counter table, a newspaper in her hands, "Merry Christmas"

Martha smiled back at her. She took her reading glasses off and got off the stool to go hug the tiny ginger, "Merry Christmas, honey. Did you sleep well?"

Chloe nodded, "Not as well as Beca though", she added with a small laugh.

"She's still dreaming, isn't she?"

"Uh uh", Chloe chuckled, "I would like to make her breakfast... Can I use the kitchen?"

"That's sweet of you", Martha tilted her head and smirked, "Of course you can use it... Need any help?"

"I think I got this, but thank you", Chloe beamed. She turned around and opened some of the many cupboards, looking for the ingredients she'd need. Beca's kitchen had always been well stocked, it was impressive.

"Listen, Chloe..."

The redhead looked at Martha and placed a bag of flour on the counter.

"We haven't had the chance to properly talk since yesterday, but...", Martha paused, causing Chloe's heart to skip a couple of beats. Was Martha mad at her? After all she was the cause for Beca's suffering, she had hurt her and-

"I wanted to thank you", Martha concluded, leaving Chloe to her inner fight between relief and surprise.

"Thank me? What for?", Chloe asked, failing to hide how confused she was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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