The Coffee

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They reached the café shortly after 3 pm. The sun was shining so bright that Beca had to cover her eyes with her hand to protect her irises. "Do you need my sunglasses?", Chloe asked her as soon as they sat under the parasol. "Um, no thanks, I'm fine", Beca answered, her hand still on her forehead as to salute. Chloe dug into her handbag and, a few instants after, her hand popped out with a fancy pair of sunglasses, "Put them on", she winked. Beca reluctantly took and wore them. "They look great on you!", Chloe complimented the brunette, her smile brighter than the sun. 

Beca looked at her through the black lenses and said deadpan, "You bet, considering how gorgeous I am". The ginger and the brunette both started cackling after looking at each other for a few seconds, attracting some attention from the nearest tables. 

Still giggling, Beca asked, "Should we order?"

"Yeah, it would be best", Chloe was still crying from laughing. Beca loved how a dumb joke or pun could make her laugh so hard - "What are you getting, Becs?"

"Too easy", an evil smile appearing on Beca's face, "Why don't you order something for me and I order something for you? You have to guess what I like drinking most".

"Sounds like fun - but I'm telling you, I'm very hard to please", Chloe said flirtatiously. Beca blushed at her choice of words and, as soon as Chloe noticed, she giggled. Was Chloe flirting with her? No. Not a chance - she had a boyfriend, remember? Those were just innocent jokes between friends. 

"Challenge accepted", Beca said while doing a thumbs-up. "Excuse-me! Yeah, we would like to order -- no rush -- thanks!", Beca called the waiter, the redhead smiling at her for her friendliness. Few instants later, the waiter came to their table. "So...", Beca looked at Chloe, provocation in her stare, and then at the waiter, "A warm Vanilla Latte with a sprinkle of cocoa powder for my friend, thanks", Beca's eyes moved back to Chloe, who was definitely impressed. 

It was her turn, so the redhead said, "My friend will have a double espresso, no sugar, just a little hot milk on the side, thank you". The waiter went away. 

"How the hell did you know that?", Beca asked in admiration. 

Pleased with herself for getting it right, Chloe looked at her in the eyes and started explaining as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Well, you look like the kind of girl who likes coffee but, since I've always believed you like going to sleep late, I thought that a double espresso would do. No sugar of course - you are Beca Mitchell and Beca Mitchell doesn't use sugar on anything - ", her tone was getting more ironic, "and a little hot milk because, deep down you are a softie, and you need something to sweeten the bitter". Chloe winked. 

Beca was absolutely amazed and, without even realizing she was saying it out loud, she spoke, "In just a few weeks, you've managed to understand me more than anyone else has ever done". Chloe was staring at her, struck by that sudden confession. Beca had just opened up to her a little and to Chloe that meant the world. She was sweetly smiling at her, when Beca - evidently restored to her senses - continued, "Still, I'm not a softie".

"You hugged me, you so are a softie", Chloe teased. 

"Don't worry, it won't happen again", Beca replied with sarcasm. Of course she didn't mean it, she adored hugging Chloe, but still. Chloe looked at her, faking a sad face, "How you want, Mitchell, but you don't know what you're going to miss out on", she said flirtatiously. Beca looked away, the sunglasses hiding her now dilated pupils. Why did she have to be such a tease? Was she doing that on purpose? Was she always like this with all her friends? Probably... 

Beca coughed to dissipate the awkwardness and then tried to change the subject, "Mh, what about me? Did I get yours right?".

"Incredibly, yes, you did. Nobody, not even Aubrey, ever remembers it and you got it right", Chloe answered, "How did you do that, Sherlock?", she laughed.

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