Christmas 2.0 - 1/3

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"Are you... sure they will not hate me?"

Beca cast a side glance over at the redhead and raised one playful brow. She sighed deeply and then opened her mouth as if to ask a rhetoric, "Seriously?", but she didn't get to the point of saying that out loud that Chloe immediately cut her off.

"Don't give me that look, I know what you're thinking and you're probably right, but...", Chloe started rambling as she nervously fiddled with the hangnail she had been torturing for the entire cab ride to the Mitchell's. Her other hand tightened around the handle of her trolley, her grip gradually loosening because of the stubborn sweat that was making her fingers slippery.

"...But put yourself in my shoes for a second... your dad has every right not to want me in his house and your mom must be wondering why in hell her daughter would chase after that dickhead of her ex-girlfriend who has apparently cheated on her...", she whined, "Just tell me I'm wrong and I'm never going to bring this up again", she promised after realizing she was probably getting annoying.

Beca gave her a half-smile while she got her tiny suitcase out of the cab and slammed the door close, "You're wrong"

"Why", Chloe insisted, trying her best to hide how increasingly near she was getting to have a nervous breakdown.

"Because my parents adore you", Beca shrugged, not actually bothered that that was the third time in ten minutes she was repeating herself, "Plus, my dad barely knows what happened between us, he's kinda oblivious to these things... and my mom is the one who talked to me and made me understand that, well...", she smirked and linked her pinky with Chloe's, forcing the ginger to let go of the poor hangnail, "I'm still kinda stuck with you"

Chloe's shoulders visibly relaxed and even the hint of a smile could be spotted at the corner of her mouth, "And... is that a bad thing?", she hazarded in a rather flirtatious tone.

Beca squinted and pursed her lips before staring blankly in front of her, nodding slowly like she was lost in thought. She opened her mouth but then thought again and closed it, shaking her head to herself. Chloe was looking at her, her expression a mixture of amusement and mock annoyance, "So...?", she probed.

"Yeah, it is", Beca finally uttered, "It's a very, very bad thing", she deadpanned.

Chloe chuckled lightly and slipped her hand into Beca's, which instantly enveloped around hers, "Is that right?"

The brunette hummed a pensive yes in response, "I mean, just put yourself in my shoes", she parroted Chloe, who rolled her eyes at the obvious reference, "I'm still stuck with you even though you cheated on me", she joked, "That can't be a good thing!"

Chloe didn't laugh. Instead, she frowned. She gently forced her hand out of Beca's and her arms fell limply along her sides. She stopped walking.

It took Beca a couple of steps to notice that the redhead wasn't following her, "Chlo?", she called her softly, realizing she had probably gone too far with the teasing. She quickly walked to the ginger, who was looking down at the ground beneath her feet, defeat painted all over her features, "Too soon?", she probed guiltily as soon as she was in front of her.

Chloe gulped and nodded, "It wasn't funny, Becs..."

"I'm sorry, Chlo", the brunette murmured, "I was just messing with you, I didn't mean those things... Sorry"

"I didn't cheat on you...", Chloe said in a low voice.

Beca smiled softly. She grabbed Chloe's hand and linked their fingers together before lifting it and kissing her knuckles, "I know you didn't, honey... It was a stupid joke, I don't even know what I was thinking... Let's pretend I never said that, okay? Let's rewind and delete my idiotic comment"

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