🌹🔪Chapter 6: News 🔪🌹

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A few weeks have passed and Richard is doing a good job so far. Erin grew more fond of him and they became closer. Right now I'm working in my office, fixing up a blouse. It's been three hours and I decided to call Richard to check up on how they're doing.


"Hey Richard, how's Erin?"

"She's doing fine. We're just playing a board game. Is there anything you need?"

"Oh,no. I just wanna check up on her.I'll be home in a few hours. So, I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye."

I hang up and continue fixing the blouse.

"And... finished!" I said as I finish fixing the blouse and fold it and put it inside its package. Then I set it aside. I turn on my laptop and I decided to check on my emails. I have one new email and it's from Christa. It's an invitation to an all girls night out at her place tomorrow night. I email her back and I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said.

I look up from my computer and I saw Mr. Williams walk into the room.

"Oh hello, Mr. Williams. Can I help you with something?" I asked him.

"No, I'm just here to check up and see how you're doing so far. By the way, are you done repairing the clothes that they sent you?"

"Oh, they are all done." I said.

"Already? I'm impressed. You know what? Since you're one of the most hardworking person here, I decided to give you the rest of the afternoon off." He said.

"But sir-"

"I insist." He said."I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you sir." Then he left the room. I grab my bag and head out of my office room. Before going home, I decided to take a walk at the park. A little bit of fresh air can help me relax.


While walking around at the park, I look to my side and I watch as little children run around and play at the little playground in the middle of the park. Then I saw two familiar faces walking by. It's Jean and Mikasa.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Jean waved at me while Mikasa smile.

"Hey, I haven't seen you guys in a while. How's it going?"

"We're okay. How's little Erin and Levi?" Jean asked.

"They're doing fine. How's little Jeanine?" I asked.

"She's doing fine as well. By the way, did you get Christa's email and are you going?" asked Mikasa.

"Yeah, I'm going." I said.

"Oh yeah, haven't you heard the news? Someone escape from prison where we used to live and where we used to go to high school. Do you think... it's him?" asked Jean.

"No. Of course not. Besides, I don't think he matters anymore. We're safe." I said.

"Okay, but we're just trying to warn you. I'm not trying to scare you or anything but... he could be just around the corner. He has his own ways of tracking us down." Jean said.

"I agree. In other words, you need to be careful (Y/n). You have a little girl and you need to protect her." Mikasa said.

"I will. Well, I guess I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow night Mikasa and I'll see you around Jean."

Then we parted ways and I continue walking back home. But then, I received a message from Levi. Saying he's not gonna have lunch at the house again but he wants me to get a few ingredients for dinner to make it up to me tonight. I texted him back and look for the nearest grocery store.

[AOT] Yandere! Reiner x Reader x Levi- Beauty and the Beast II: A Deadly ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now