35 8 3

"It is him." I said.

I bitterly smile reminiscing all the past memories. Argh here we go again. Why does he have to show up now? The day I lost all my money because of that freaking jacket. Why now? And he looks so handsome. Ah! I'm really getting crazy!

The door opened suddenly causing me to jolt upright. Oh, Jong Suk is home. And he has something in his hands. Hmm could it be food? I half smiled at him and waved.

"Oh you're early today. Is there an occasion?" I asked. He shook his head head towards the kitchen. He placed the two plastic bags in the counter. I went near him, curious on what's inside the plastic. But before I could even find out, Jong Suk noticed something.

"Did you just cry?" He asked, wiping my tear from my cheek. I cried? Really? I didn't even feel something rolling down my cheeks, I only felt my heart ache. But who cares anyway. Let him live the life he wants.

I swished his hand away and denied it immediately. "I did not! I didn't cry. Why would I?" I cockily asked. I open the box inside the plastic and found out he bought sushi. I love my brother so much it hurts ugh. I happily dug in and ate a whole sushi.

He shrugged. "Maybe it's because of your bastard ex bo-" I stuffed his mouth 2 pieces of sushi before he could even finish.

"Eat well, dear brother hmm?" I said to him sweetly. He gave me a grumpy face. Aww why give me that when you were just about to remind me about him. There's really a problem with guys nowadays, don't you think? I just rolled my eyes and continue to happily eat my sushi.

I ate as if no one was there beside me. Who cares about image when you're blessed with some sushi huh?

"Ya, eat properly. You eat like a pig, not a woman," He scoffed.

"I am a pig," I said laughing. He smiled back, almost as if he was forced. He stood up and went upstairs to change clothes. I nodded and continued to eat my sushi.

"So Young-ah! Can you open the door for me?" Oh. Ji Eun's home. Seriously, what's with today? Holy Boobs. I forgot I still need to tell them the cash I spent for that Jin Soo.

I quickly cleaned up the dishes and head towards the door. I saw Jong Suk going down stairs fresh from the shower. Wow my brother is so hot. That's probably why people adores him so much. Eh, he's weird at home. I rushed to the door and opened it wide for my dear sister.

"Oh! Unnie, you're home so early! Can I help you?" I asked Ji Eun, plastering the most sweetest smile I could ever give. She nodded and gave me all the boxes. Why the heck is she carrying this heavy stuff? I placed them down carefully and went back to her.

"Unnie, I need to tell you something.." I carefully said. She looked at me and asked me what it was.

I cleared my throat. "You see..I kind of spent," I paused as I bit my lower lip."$4,433.." Here comes sister dragon. Oh lucky me! Brother dragon decided to pay a visit too.

"WHAT?!" They screamed in unison. I looked down and just accept the punishment. I made a quick prayer to God to give some mercy for me. Dear God, please protect me from this fluffy yet scary humans.

I smiled in victory when Jong Suk said its okay, as long as Jin Soo will pay for it. I nodded happily and skipped my way up to the stairs.

I opened my bedroom door and ran to my bed happily. I'm amazing in bed. I can sleep for days. Either way, I went to the bathroom to wash up. After doing so, I did my regular evening routine. Fluff the pillow and sleep.

Before I could ever close my eyes, I whispered my final words.

"Im so damn beautiful.."


"Lee So Young~ Wake up sweetie," Jin Soo cooed.

I groaned. Why in the world am I hearing this bastard's voice? Can he just get the hell out of my dreams right now?

"ya! So Young-ah!" Ok, this isnt a dream anymore. I opened my eyes and snatched the closest pillow to me and hit him continuously.

This can teach him a lesson. "You tartar sauce! What in Pokémon are you doing here? IN MY VERY ROOM YOU ICE HOLE!" I threw him fits of punches. This damn guy and my temper might just give me white hair earlier than I expect.

"Alright, alright! Ill go now princess. And if you do, please wear something more appropriate. My eyes can't help but to look at it." I looked down to see what I was wearing. Okay, first of all why the frickity frack did I wear this sleepwear lingerie. THIS PERVERT! IM SO SICK OF YOU!

I threw another pillow at him. "GET OUT YOU NASTY GOAT! You infuriate me so much," I whispered, gritting my teeth. I closed the door and heaved a sigh. Tell me why I'm friends with him?

After washing my face, I went down to have breakfast. Ji Eun is cooking for breakfast so this will be very healthy. She can cook like mom so sometimes me and Jong Suk calls her 'eomma' and she hates it. We just laugh it off eventually.

"Alrighty, It's time to eat kids!" She gleefully exclaimed. I wiggled on my seat, excited for the food. She placed it in the middle of the table alongside the rice and water. I grabbed my chopsticks and tasted the finished product of Ji Eun.
My eyes widen. This is heaven indeed. I'm very lucky to know what heaven taste like.

"Are you serious you were the one who cooked this? No chef or anything?" I asked. I'm very amazed with her cooking. One of the reasons why I love my sister. She cooks for me.

She shook her head. "Nope! Hey, you even watched me cook it!"

I asked her to teach me how to cook it and she said yes. Oh my, it looks like I proposed or something. Nevertheless, I keep on munching on the delicious food. Who said girls must go on a diet? The word diet isn't in my vocabulary.

"Wow! Ji Eun Noona, this is amazing!" He complimented. Ji Eun giggled in response. I scoffed. Jin Soo is suuuuch a flirt in every way. At any age, he can make someone fall for him. Could be a mom, grandma and even kids! Don't let him tempt you kids, I'm warning you. Strong Parental Guidance is needed.

After eating, I volunteered to clean the dishes. It may be tiring but being a douchebag or an actress can be more tiring. Jin Soo decided to help, but in the end, he just sat there on the stool and I did the whole work. Such a spoiled goat. Which reminds me.

"Hey! Jin Soo, where's the payment?" I scolded him. I spent $4,433 for a mother frogger jacket and he won't even pay. This is the end of our friendship if you won't pay me back, goat-faced.

He snapped his fingers suddenly, making me yelp. I grabbed him ear and dragged him o me. "You, if you're going to come up with another stupid plan to get back my money, I won't do it." I assured him.

"Okay! I'll pay you tomorrow So Old. See what I did there? HAHAHA!" He said laughing. I just shook my head in dismay. I've been friends with this guy since I went out of my mom's cunt. Sorry for the harsh word but I'd rather say cunt than vagina. Anyway, he was just an innocent goat back then, but I don't know what puberty did to him. Seriously. He said he was hit by puberty real hard but for me it was like a goat ran by a motor.

After lazing of the whole afternoon with Jin Soo, he asked me if I wanted to go have fun. By fun he meant of going to a club. I really don't do club because I've known club for it's notorious activities. One of my beliefs is that people go there to just get laid. Some say they go there to meet THE ONE for their heart. How the Tabasco Sauce can you find you're love one there? In the club?

Bored, I nodded. I guess a little fun can brighten up my day right? "Ya, just don't get me drunk, ok? You don't want to see the animal side of me, hmm?"

"Yeah.." he sadly replied. He's typing something in his phone. What's with him nowadays? I poked him and asked what's wrong. He shrugged, something is going on.

I sighed, "Hey, dress up. Lets go smash their knee caps with our beauty, yeah? Smile Jin Soo-ah!" I pleaded. I'm not used to see him like this. He smiled at me, a forced one.

"Let's do this," He stated. Tonight I shall have fun I haven't experienced for years.


a/n: how was it? Good? Bad? Awful? Oh okay. This is probably one of the chapters of this book so fuk it mehn. Sad. Ok BYYEEE :*

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