Chapter Three

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Sorry about the short chapter guys... my next one will be longer! ENJOY! BTw the first person to comment, the chapter will be dedicated to them!


The bell was loud and pierced through my ears and the hum of crowds were already busily scurrying around outside. Our teacher dismissed us and I quickly put my books in my bag and walked to the cafeteria. I sat down in my normal table up against the window and rested my head. Jake and I hung out together at lunch. I waited for him to come but he didn't show.

I looked around at the end of lunch to find him. I just, only just spotted him, my jaw almost dropped. He was hanging out with all the popular girls. If I hadn't of known him as well as I did I would have said that he'd totally have blown me off but... there was a slight show of stress, or was it worry? I wasn't completely sure but there was a sign of discomfort and emotion there. He caught me looking and after a split second he glanced away. Again normal signs of betrayal etcetera but I knew him, he looked guiltily away. What for? Again I had no clue but I was positive about this.

I was fortunate that in Japanese I didn't have to sit next to Jake, he sat next to the same girl that had approached us and asked if we were going out. He was talking to her a lot but there was the same slight emotion. I watched curiously and then Jake got busted for talking.

Normally I wouldn't care but it was the teachers next words that made me freeze in my place. "Jake go sit next to Cassandra for the rest of the lesson." As if this couldn't get any more awkward. Well it did. As if some private joke, Andrea burst out laughter and... winked? It looked like a wink to Jake. He blushed deeply. What was so funny about sitting next to me?

The lesson dragged and I barely payed attention. I knew the likliness of him turning around and talking to me was practically nil but my body sort of expected it. The whole time was awkward, Jake's body position was stiff and rigid and he never looked in my direction. I couldn't  help but feel that there was still some private joke going around and it concerned me. What was causing this?

I tried to think positive for the rest of Japanese and science, that maybe. Well I didn't really know what to think positive about this but I tried to think that maybe it was a one day thing and it will improve. I soon forget about my worries in science. We had to do several experiments related to energy. Our first was that we had to light a Bunsen burner and boil some water and observe what happened. Second station we had to complete a circut and make the light bulb glow. Third, we had to tune forks, each one had a different vibration sound. Fourth station, we had to boil water on a hotplate. Fifth, we had to record the temperature of a blue light bulb without the light on and then with the lamp on. The final one we had to do the same experiment but with a red bulb.

Again, at the cafeteria, Jake did not come over. I was freaking out, my optimistic side dying. Maybe Jake had really left me for the popular ones. I didn't bother eating my lunch I had no appetite. I also didn't bother watching Jake like a stalker. I was just sick of it. I was tempted to confront him, to demand to know why he was avoiding me. Which I was certain now he was but I couldn't do it. I couldn't dictate his life and he didn't really have to tell me.

Finally the day was over and I pulled out my iPhone and started to play some music. As I sat on the bus alone I listened over and over again to 'Seven Devils' by Florence and the Machine. It had started to rain just as the bell had went. My hair and clothes were dripping wet and after I got off the bus into the more rain, I realised I hadn't notice the thunderstorm that had rolled in.

I looked in the driveway and as usual, mum wasn't home.I got to the covered veranda and scanned through my bag to find the keys. I swore to myself. The keys weren't in there. So I sat down on the fortunate, dry veranda and waited for mum to come home. "This could take a while." I mumbled to myself. I pulled out my phone and started playing angry birds while listening to more music.

I knew mum was on a late shift which meant she could be gone for a while and was planning on going to the neighbours soon but I wanted to stay for a little more, the rain and thunderstorm accompanying me. It was so quiet and peaceful and with the music the thunder was droned out and the lightning was barely noticeable from staring at the game.

I decided to stay until I got hungry but I had food already in my bag so I doubted I would need to go. I got bored with my phone so I just listened and watched the beautiful scene. The storm hadn't left and it looked like it was going to stick. No cars came down the street. It should have been lighter because it was only 3:30p.m. 

Mum was so going to kill me for losing the key. I sighed and banged my head against the brick wall. I pulled out my phone again to check my notifications on facebook or any people I wanted to talk to. Not that there should be. I had one friend, and now he is gone. More than one hundred friends but only one real friend. I was lost in thought. Could he really be gone? He couldn't be, it had to be a dream. But I doubted it.

Suddenly an incoming text popped up on the screen. It was from Jake.

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