Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Chey Vines

Officially the longest and most dedicated story I have ever posted on Wattpad :) AND BTW I DREW THIS DRAWING!

I skipped a bit so now it's at the part where she has gotten her cast off and I know that I am kind of losing the main storyline but I have put more of the dance side into it now. ENJOY!


The cast was finally off. I hated feeling like a cripple, Joel had carried my books for me and had opened doors, which was still sweet but I still hated feeling like a cripple. I had missed another day of school but I didn't care. Mum had skipped work to take me to the hospital and we were on the way back home now. The doctor had given me permission to walk on it but just to be careful. My phone in my pocket suddenly vibrated signalling someone had texted me. I read it quickly. It was from an unknown number. Hey, it's Joel. Andrea gave me your number. Are you getting the cast off?

I vaguely remember giving her my number. I replied. Oh yeah, finally. I added Joel to my contacts list. Mum made brief talk with me, I didn't really feel like talking. I was kind of tired. I'd had that same dream/nightmare last night. I didn't need to think about Jaydon.

Joel met me in Japanese and half the lesson was spent in talking which was sort of a natural thing. It felt like De Ja Vu when the teacher moved me next to Jake. "Ahaha, damn. Talk to you later." Jake said as I was moved. I would have worried about it once but now I didn't. As I moved Jake asked my something. "What's up with you and Masden?" It took me a moment to realise that it was Joel's last name. "Nothing, we are friends." I got the vibe that Jake and 'Masden" didn't get along. In fact is was pretty much obvious. It would explain the glaring. "Since when are you friends with douches?" Jake asked. Yeah, it was obvious. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time now would it?" I smiled innocently at him but my eyes shot daggers. He knew what I meant.

Joel, Andrea and a few other people crowded around the lunch table. I sat on the table, next to Joel. I caught a glimpse of Jake, he was glaring at me. Wait, no he wasn't. He was glaring at Joel. "Do you have the hots for Jake?" Joel asked jokingly but the whole group heard. A few people laughed and I blushed. I laughed too. "No way in hell. Have you heard what he did to me?" We all laughed because of my light, joking tone. I pretended it didn't bother me. "Does Joel have the hots for Cassy?" Andrea said and we laughed even harder, Joel, started to blush. We were all joking around. "Yeah, totes bro." Joel joked and draped his hand over my shoulder. He said it sarcastically so none of us thought that he actually did.

I was walking home from school and stopped at the mailbox to check the mail. It was bare except for one letter. It had my name printed on it. I opened it without paying to much attention. It had the Ecole Ballet Studio symbol on it. It was from the ballet studio, my heart lurched. I remembered the audition, I had a video clip sent to the school. Fortunately the studio wasn't too far from here, maybe a ten minute walk. I read the letter quickly but precisely. I had been accepted.

I gave a girly scream, I was so excited. I had lessons at 4:30pm each day. Enough time for me to walk there after to school, I started tomorrow. I was so excited and I knew mum couldn't find out now that I had the note. I had to keep the letter to show them I had been accepted for the first lesson but I could stash it with my drawings for now.

The next day I told all my new friends. They were all really excited for me and I was so keen for the end of the day. I kind of rushed through classes and I passed the corner to the Science room, Joel walked up to me. "Hey, cool drawings." He said. I had been reading the letter from the studio and hadn't realise I had left my drawings open. "Thanks." I replied, blushing.

"No, I mean they are really cool. I love that one." He pointed my most recent one, the one of Lady Gaga with her lace hat. "How can you draw so much detail, dude?" He exclaimed after squinting at the lace hat. "I just do." One thing I realised about Joel is that he said dude a lot.

"Come on, we'll be late for Science." I told him. Indeed we were. Mr. Brock scolded us both for our lateness. I mumbled an apology and Joel gave him a charming smile. On the way to our seats, Joel and I tried not to laugh. We sat down and I was so close to laughing but I controlled myself. The look on the teachers face showed disapproval.

After that the day went really quick in which I was grateful for. I was so excited as I walked to the Dance Academy. I showed the lady at the desk and she nodded in approval and gave me brief directions to my class room. I was 15 minutes early and no one had showed up yet. "Aah, you must be the new attendant, Miss Falling, am I correct?" The man who I presumed the teacher asked in a formal voice. "Yes sir." I responded immediately.

"I like you already, you will be good at this academy." He responded pushing his fine wire glasses up to the bridge of his nose. I smiled as a thank you.

Class went through basics which was easy for me. We did pirouettes a lot and I was in awe of the class. I loved this school already. A few guys were in the class but not many. "You got nice posture, girl." One guy said after class. He seemed way to fit and muscular to do ballet and I didn't think he was the sort of person to do it. "Thanks." I replied. His friend, I presumed came up to me then. "You're like, the newbie right?" He asked and I confirmed it.

"Well see you tomorrow." They both said in unison.

"Miss Falling!" The teacher from class called. "Can you stay back for a moment." I was a little worried at first but then I relaxed a little. "You did well in class, how would you like to stay permanently? We could give you a scholarship so you can do it for free because I can tell the basics isn't your thing." I beamed at him. Getting into Ecole was one thing and now I had a scholarship to go into the advanced section. "That would be great sir." I said, we were finished talking and I walked off. My day had gone from great to amazing just with those few words.

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