Chapter Twenty~One

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  • Dedicated to My fans, friends and family

Okay guys, for all you Dance 'till Dawn fans, this is the last chapter! I would like to dedicate to all of my friends and family that have encouraged me to write this story and it means so much to me to all the people that read my story, vote for it and comment, even the fans! THANK YOU ALL! <3


My life to put it simply. Well, it sucked. My mother had abandoned me, I couldn't see my father because he's always overseas working, I had people bashing me and making my life miserable and I was having problems with my best friend who I have to live with because I have no where else to go. Jake and I were really close, we still are. Kind of. Lately, he's been avoiding me. Or I think he has been avoiding me. We haven't spoken much at all. Problem was, I kind of lived with him.

I wore my fringe down masking the ugly black eye. I didn't want people staring at me, though, they came regardless. I had been told that no one had seen the incident when I got bashed except for Joel and the girls. I was also told that it had been kept secret, though with Brittney, I highly doubted it. I had convinced Jillian not tell her son about what had happened, for some reason, I just didn't want him to know.

I rushed down the hallway and took the left so I could round the corner to the Math's room. Someone else was coming from the other direction, naturally, my clumsy self collided into him. "Oh, wow, I am so sorry. I didn't even see you!" I blushed. I was so clumsy and embarrassed. I didn't recognise his face. "It's okay." He said shyly, he was kind of cute in a boyish way, he seemed so shy and innocent. "Are you new here? I don't recognise you." I asked.

"Yeah I am." He replied, still shyly.

"Well, enjoy the school. I'm Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassy." I told him.

"I'm Gale. Hey, can you direct me to the office, I need to get my timetable." He asked politely.

"Sure, go down that hallway," I pointed, "then take your first right and that will lead you to the main entry." I told him. He thanked me, and left. My good deed for the day was done, now I just hoped that my good deed would go unpunished.

I felt sorry for Gale, he was in my math's class and he had to introduce himself to everyone. He was so shy and nervous about it. I could have sworn he had a small stutter. The math's teacher spoke loud and clear, a shrilling voice compared to his quiet one. "Gale, you will be seated next to Cassandra." She pointed to the spare seat next to where I sat and he immediately took it, instantly obeying.

Math's was so boring today, we literally just did basic math's like volume and area. I had been taught this so many times that it just wasn't funny anymore. A couple of times I glanced at Gale, to see how he was doing and every single damn time he was doing his work or paying attention to the teacher, he was like a cute little puppy dog following his owner.

Brittney sat directly behind me in my next class of Japanese. She was so frustrating, I wanted to scream or yell at her. All the time she was throwing stuff at my back or calling me names, talking behind my back but making sure I could hear or tossing stuff off my desk. I was so sick of Brittney, though I knew nothing could be helped.

Third period I was with Deidrei, I nearly hated her with a passion, she was so annoying, she always had a question. Most of those questions I didn't even want to think about, let alone talk about them. I really doubted Deidrei the counsellor was helping at all.

Breaks were the same, I hung out with Joel, Andrea, Mason and Darren with his girlfriend Stacey. It got a little boring at some times but this way, Brittney left me alone. Breaks were probably my favourite part of the day because of this.

Fourth and final period was dance, this was my favourite lesson, except Brittney was in it. She constantly tripped me or something awful so I would mess up or get me in trouble. People used to always tell me that no one can hate someone, they only strongly dislike them. That, was definitely not true.

"Hey, you wanna walk to that park we used to always hang out at?" Jake asked after we got off the bus. His mum's car wasn't in the driveway, so I presumed she wasn't home. "Sure." I said, glad that we were still talking. I really hadn't been sure or not if we had been in the clear.

Once we reached the park, I sat on the swing and lightly swung on it. It was a little awkward that no one was talking but I soon adapted to that and took comfort out of it. "Cassy." He said. He sounded a little concerned and nervous. "Yeah?" I asked. I was a little worried about his tone.

"We need to talk." He told me seriously.

"We are talking." I said jumping off of the the still slightly moving swing.

"Cassy, my feelings for you are stronger then what I thought. You are a beautiful person and so kind and loving and thoughtful. I really like you and I want you to know." He said. I began to panic, I had a boyfriend but that wasn't really an excuse. I just started to panic. "What are you getting at?"

He pulled me into him and said "This." Moments afterwards he kissed me. It wasn't a brief kiss either, it was long and passionate and I was enjoying it. Butterflies floated around in my stomach, the butterflies that I didn't get with Joel. My thoughts vanished and I lost myself in his embrace and kiss. His touch was so warm and soft.


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