Chapter Thirteen

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  • Dedicated to Isabella O'Rourke

Yes people, the last chapter is very short. WELL GUESS WHAT? I made another short one, really sorry but the scene is kind of brief.


I took a deep breath before knocking on the old, Victorian house's door. Did I want to do this? No of course not. I knew I had to. I would have asked my dad to stay with him but he was overseas which defeated the purpose. The rain had just held off because as soon as I stepped onto the covered porch, rain started bucketing down. I took a few moments there, on that porch. Was I really about to do this? My heart lurched and palms began to sweat. I shivered though I was boiling hot. I knocked on the door.

Jake answered, a little shocked. "Are you okay?" He asked instantly seeing my bloodshot eyes. I knew this was sudden and I felt bad. "I am sorry about today, I really am. I just needed time." He hugged me and I needed it. "You got kicked out didn't you?" He said gently. I told him what happened and his mum came to the door. "Sure, you can stay sweetie." Jake's mum practically adored me. I thanked them and promised them it was temporary. Jake led me up to the spare room. It was bright and colourful which cheered me up. "Thank you so much! I just had no where to go and-" Jake cut me off.

"It's fine, really, just calm down." He gave me another hug. The room's walls were bright, sunny yellow with and equally bright, pink and yellow sheets and pillow cases. The world left me in those moments, I lost track of time and my world lit up more than the room ever did. My heart thudded in my chest and once Jake pulled back, I longed for that hug again. Jake left me after that to go to sleep. If you expected me to sleep at hospital but sleep here, well you were officially wrong.

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