BOOK 1 // Human Error (COMPLETE)
BOOK 2 // Human Instinct (IN PROGRESS)
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness engineered right into their DNA." - William Shak...
So... I have a confession to make. I know you've been waiting a really long time for a chapter – as in, way longer than I usually make you wait – and I know you're probably desperate to get off this cliff I've left you hanging from (and you know, find out whether Jace is still alive).
The bad news is this isn't a new chapter.
(That's coming tomorrow, I promise. I've been distracted with Camp NaNoWriMo, but once the month is over, I'm aiming for weekly updates all the way through to the end of book 2).
The good news is something I think you'll find even more exciting.
I've been sitting on this for a long time (and believe me, it's been hard to refrain from blurting this out in one of my author's notes because it's just that exciting). But today is the day that I can finally make a huge announcement...
*Deep breath*
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I know! I can't believe it, either. I'm still kind of convinced this is some strange dream that I'll wake up from at any minute. It's the biggest news I've ever had in almost seven years of writing on Wattpad.
Unfortunately, I can't share any more details yet, but I promise there are more updates to come. For now, I'm so excited to begin this new journey, and even more excited to bring you guys along with me. It could mean that you'll be seeing Astrid and Jace's story onscreen in the future...
I love you guys so, so much – and I honestly mean it when I say I couldn't have done it without your support on this story.
Now... please fangirl along with me in the comment section.
PS: I'll see you tomorrow with the next chapter <3