Chapter 1

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After Chise sung her beautiful lullaby to the suffering Wandering Jew, she tells them good night and falls into Elias' arms.

Elias: "Chise!''

Chise: "He's right. I won't last a millennium... '' (coughs up blood)

Elias: "Hush... No more talking...''

Chise: "... Elias... '' (faints)

Renfred: "Ainsworth! What happened?!"

Alice: "Chise...!"

Elias: "I made a promise... "

Chise spoke to the good Cartiphilus. He told her that he will be keeping her alive and that the dragon won't kill her right away. Good for her. Suddenly they hear a voice in the distance.


No doubt it was Elias calling out to her.

Good Cartiphilus: "Go to him. He's waiting for you. Don't doddle now."

Chise did what she was told. And as her left eye went back to it's original green color, she ran towards the light. When she woke up, found Elias above her embracing her tightly.

Elias: "Welcome home Chise. I missed you..."

Chise: "I'm back. I missed you too Elias."

And just like that, Chise let go of Elias. She went from happiness to down right livid.

Chise: "Alright. Let's hear it! What's your excuse?!"

Elias: "Uh... Huh?!"

Chise: "Don't think I forgotten! Why would you try to kill Stella?! And without talking to me!"

Elias: "You are one to talk!"

Chise: "Excuse me?!"

Elias: "You heard right! You do things without telling me also!"

Chise: "I said I was sorry about that! That's why I thought we could work this out together! You and me! But look what you did instead!"

Elias: "I did it because I-"

Coming in to stop the lovers quarrel was Silver Lady with a big loving hug for Chise along with the most adorable giggle.

Silver Lady: (giggling)

Chise: "Good to see you Silver."

Just because Silver came in, doesn't mean that Elias and Chise were done with their "discussion". Those two went right back at it.

Elias: "Excuse me! I'm not done talking to you!"

Chise: "And I'm not done talking to you!" (looks at Ruth) "Don't think I forgotten about you Ruth!"

Ruth: (gulps)

Silver Lady: (giggling)

After they were done scolding each other, they reached a compromise. Elias would agree to let Chise have some freedom as long as she doesn't push herself or put herself in danger. While he continues talking to Simon about the latest status, Chise went off to visit Joseph at the well. She poured him some water and covered him up so he can rest. Next, she stopped by Angelica's to pick up the order she requested along with a gift. Last she headed towards Stella's house where she was surprised by Stella and Ethan because they threw a party for her. Even though it is Stella's birthday too, she made so that they can celebrate it together. Chise gave Stella a bouquet of her flowers and Stella gave her a gift that she had her aunt made for her.

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