Chapter 2

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The morning came all bright. As she can slowly hear the birds chirping, Chise rose from her amazing slumber. She looked at the closet. It was dented. She observed the sheets more carefully. She saw that they were torn from when Elias was gripping them. Last she looked at the head of the bed. Very large claw marks. As she traced the marks with her fingers, she left pondering.

Chise: "Did I go too far?"

When she turned her head, she saw Silver standing there looking at the damage.

Silver: (grumbled)

Chise: "Uh.....Good morning Silver!" (nervous laughing) "I know Elias did some damage, but I'm not hurt. He...stop himself....."

The way she said it. It was the sound of disappointment. Erasing her train of thought, Silver quickly gave Chise her clothes and pushed her out of the room, so she can fix the mess. After Chise was done getting dressed, she headed downstairs and saw Ruth digging into his breakfast.

Chise: (sighs) "Good morning Ruth."

Ruth: "Good morning Chise." (mouth full)

Chise fixed her plate and begin to eat. As she took some bites, she started to think about what a night that she and Elias had. If only they could keep on going. The thought of Elias deflowering her just made her drool on her meal.

Ruth: "You seem happy for not letting anything happened."

Chise: "I guess."

Ruth: "Good morning Elias."

Elias: "Good morning Ruth.....Uh...Good morning Chise." (flustered)

Chise: (blushing) "Good morning Elias."

Ruth just looked back and forth between Elias and Chise while still scarfing up food. A very awkward moment between those two as always.

Chise: "Uh how about I fix you some tea?!"

Elias: "Yes! I would like that very much!"

Chise: "Coming right up!" (looks in fridge) "Uh-oh."

Elias: "You okay?"

Chise: "We're going to need some groceries. You're out of your favorite tea."

Elias: "I'll have Silver make a list."

Chise: "She can't. She's going to be busy." Busy fixing our bed...

Elias: "Hmmm. What to do?"

Chise: "How about we go to London and get groceries. You and me."

Elias: "Of course. I have some errands to do anyway. I'll put on glamour and I'll see you outside."

Chise: "Okay! You watch the house Ruth."

Ruth: "Fine with me."

After breakfast, Chise waited by the door. She was all set to go. Elias told her that he needed to find the list with his errands on it. He wouldn't want to be embarrassed if he forgot something he needed while he was out there. When Elias came downstairs, he was in his human form. Only he wasn't Simon...

Chise: "Elias! Why are you me again?!"

Elias: "It's been quite some time since I used this face. I haven't used it in town. You do not mind, do you not?"

Chise: "I guess not. Shall we go?"

Elias: "Yes."

Elias grabbed Chise's waist and pulls her close causing her to turn red. She watch him take out his staff and with a spell, they teleported to store. They collected all the items they needed for the house. They walked around the city a little more with the free time they got. Much later they across the park and thought they could watch some of the people cross by as they sat. Chise knows that Elias is not a people person, but she knows how much scenery he loves.

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