Chapter 3

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A few days have passed since Elias and Chise's wedding. There have been a few encounters where they would snuggle and kiss. Chise would do her studies. She is his wife, but she is still his apprentice. It's like the saying: "Work before pleasure" Though it seems they love to mix it together. Business and pleasure. While enjoying the clearing where Elias was healing his body one time, Chise read some of the herbs to him while they were enjoying the scenery. Elias was in his human form as Simon. He didn't have his coat and scarf. He was wearing his vest and his white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and no gloves. As she showed him a few pages, he moved closer to her until his face was next to her ear. Don't think she didn't notice part of his hair tickling the back of her neck. She tried her best to study, but the way he moved her hair away from her ear and started kissing from her shoulder to her neck made it very difficult to concentrate. She tried to stay professional and keep the shudders and gasping to herself. She kept silent long enough and finally spoke to her clingy spouse.

Chise: "I'm trying to study. You're making it very hard. You said you would quiz me." (pouts)

Elias: "I was just enjoying myself. I can't be confined. You did not enjoy it?"

Chise: "I didn't say that. Do not twist my words."

Elias: "So shall I proceed?"

Chise: "Well….I….need to prepare for the quiz."

Elias: "You are intelligent enough." (gets on her)

Chise: "Flattery will get you nowhere."

To him that sounded like a challenge. With a quick glance, she heard a growl coming from him and squeal when he started tickling her. She started laughing with a few tears. She watched as he pulled her shirt up showing her slender stomach. Elias took a deep breathe and blew on her stomach making her laugh and kicking like crazy.


Elias: "Do I win?"


Elias: "Say I win, and I'll stop."

Chise: (panting) "You…win…."

Elias: "Of course my little puppy."

Chise: "That's cheating. You play dirty."

Elias: "But you love it, do you?"

Chise: "…yes…."

Elias gave her a smile that made her blush. As much as she loves his original look, that face was starting to warm up on her. As they gather the books and blanket, Chise kept staring at the clearing.

Elias: "You okay?"

Chise: "Do you….wanna have a date with me one day?"

Elias: "A date?"

Chise: "Yeah. We could have a date. Just you and me."

Elias: "I would like that very much. I know a place I've been meaning to show you."

Chise: "Is it better than this place?"

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