Chapter 7

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We last left Elias and Chise on there way to the Anthill. Home of Oberon and Titania. When they got there, Elias put Chise on the bed so Shannon could look at her wounds. While she was doing that, Chise looked across from her and saw Ruth laying on his stomach in his human form. She tried to get up and go to him but Elias and Shannon held her down.

Chise: "Ruth….Are you okay?!"

Ruth: (breathing heavily) "Chise….Why are you here…..?"

Chise: "I felt you. You have a wound on your side."

Ruth: "I'm so sorry…"

Elias: "Ruth. It's fine. What matter is that you are not hurt badly."

Chise: "Yeah. I'm not hurt that badly. I just need to be in the pond and I'll be fine."

Shannon: "Alright. Let's get her there Elias."

Elias: "Okay. Come on." (picks her up)

Chise: "K. Get better."

Ruth: "Yeah. Sorry I ruined your alone time. Both of you."

Chise: "It's okay."

After Shannon and Elias got Chise in the pool and they saw that her wounds are healed up, they followed Oberon to see Titania. She was very much happy to see them.

Titania: "Robin and Thorn. It is good to see you both since last time."

Chise: "It's great to see you too. I wanted to thank you for what you did. You helped Elias save me."

Titania: "I did what any queen would do to reunite her children's love one. Congratulations by the way."

Chise: (holds Elias' hand)

Elias: "Thank you Titania."

Spriggan: "What is he doing here?!

Elias: "Oh God…"

Chise: "Elias?"

Spriggan: "You dare show your face after what you tried to do to a human?! I should've ended you…. You would do this whole world a favor and die!"

Chise: (getting angry) "…!"

Elias: "Chise….It's fine…Don't."

Titania: "Spriggan please…."

Oberon: "The last thing you want is to get sick again old friend."

Spriggan: "I had it your majesties! Him acting like nothing he ever does is a bad thing! It makes me sick that something like him is alive! Scum like him don't deserve to walk on the Earth!" (takes out stick) "I'll finish him off and this time no one with stop me!"

The Spriggan got bigger just like it did before when Chise left Elias left to wander heart-broken. Elias braced himself for the attack and the Spriggan was ready to strike. Suddenly, Elias felt something come out of his robe. It was a staff. Not his staff for it was red as his beloved's hair and had a bird on top. Chise asked Elias to hold on to it after what happened between her and Joseph and he has been holding on ever since. She stopped the stick from hitting her husband just in time which made the Spriggan angry. He was getting ready to attack both Elias and Chise but Chise chanted a spell. Elias recognized it as a fire blast. It knocked the Spriggan down making him small again. Titania and Oberon were surprised so was Elias. His surprised turn to worry when he saw Chise get a little dizzy. As she tipped over, Elias caught her just in time nuzzling her head.

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