Chapter 9

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It was late in the morning almost time for lunch. Elias and Chise woke up feeling a tad bit sore and drowsy. (no surprise) Chise look at her hand. She was holding a regular hand instead of a dark purple hand. She turned around, and Elias, in his human glamour, surprised her with a deep kiss. Surprising as that was, she kissed her lover back. Looking into each other's eyes, their eyes looked tired but it was still the feeling of love.

Elias: "Good morning Chise."

Chise: "Good morning Elias. Your eyes are red when you're human. Meaning you look tired."

Elias: "Your eyes are also red from weariness love."

Chise: "At least not from crying."

Elias: "…I'm sorry I said those things."

Chise: "It's fine. Really. Things were said but we made up."

Elias: "Truly?"

Chise: "Mhm. I'm the one who surprised you with such an appeal."

Elias: "I have to tell you though, that never crossed my mind. Us conceiving a baby. I hated children forever, but after you saying that yesterday I had these different types of feelings stirring in one and I could not make up my mind. One, uncertainty because of how I feel about children and the way they feel about me. The second, pleased because you wanted to have baby with me. Me of all people."

Chise: "Who else would it be?"

Elias: (chuckles)

Chise: "The bed still lives."

Elias: "Yes. Silver Lady will definitely be put out about this room."

Chise: "All this from sex huh?"

Elias: (flushed) "It would appear so."

Chise: "We should just lay here. Still tired."

Elias: "I feel the same way but we have some errands to get started on don't we?"

Chise: (gloom pout) "Yeah…"

Elias: "The sooner we do that, the sooner we can go to just being us."

Chise: "Alright. What do we have to do today?"

Elias: "Mmm.. Simon needs more of his medicine, the elderly lady needs that potion for her insomnia, and I have more notes for you."

Chise: "Yeah notes to burn."

Elias: "Oh come now. You know what I told you about that."

Chise: "Yes I know."

Elias: "We should shower and get dressed."

Chise: "We could shower together."

Elias: "Hmm?!"

Chise: "You know. To get that out of the way. Fufu."

Elias: "You little minx." (runs after her)

Chise: (squeals and laughs)

As the day went by, Elias and Chise got more medicine for Simon, he made sure that she didn't make another sleeping potion by testing it on a wooly bug. Lastly, Chise did more notes with Elias and tried her best to hide them from him because he'll burn them just she did the other ones, but he found them and did just that. With some more time before the afternoon came, Chise helped Elias cooked some dishes like she promised. She taught him how to make pancakes. She showed him how to make them flip by doing a demonstration. She flipped one in the air and it landed back in the pan. He followed her only he wondered where it went. A minute later, it dropped and fell on his skull making Chise laugh. They went to the market to get some ingredients for supper and stayed there for a while. They finally returned home and noticed something was off about the house. They heard some noises. Elias got in front of Chise and opened the door slowly. When he got inside and looked around, something jumped on him causing him to fall on Chise, but his hands stopped him from crushing her body. The thing hopped off Elias' head then bounced into the den.

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