Chapter 4

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My first lemon. I just concentrated and let it come to me. I hope you all like it. Enjoy. By the way, the song Elias was humming: Foy Vance ft Ed Sheeran: Guiding Light. ;-)

Chise woke up to an empty bed and Ruth who yawned before saying good morning. She checked around the room wondering where Elias is. She was upset, but she didn't want him to leave. She looked on the dresser and saw a note from him that calmed her down.


I went back to London to talk to Angie about what I should do. I won't be long. I should be back in time for our date as you called it. We have a lot to talk about once we get to that place I was talking about. I'm willing to make it up to you once again.


As she finish reading the note, she held it tightly to her chest. Ruth licked her a couple times then laid on shoulder.

Ruth: "You two are so complicating."

Chise: "How so?"

Ruth: "True you two express how you love each other, but not that much."

Chise: "What do you think I should do?"

Ruth: "Show him how much you want him. I can feel your sexual desires for him. I find it uncomfortable since we share dreams."

Chise: "I want that. I do want him."

Ruth: "So what's wrong?"

Chise: "He doesn't want to hurt me physically, but I want to show him how much I love him."

Ruth: "Even if you are upset with him?"

Chise: "Yes."

Ruth: "Then don't let that stop you. Be with him. Love him."

Chise: "Thank you Ruth." (kisses his nose)

Ruth: "The Blue Flame needs me. I may be your familiar, but I'm still a Church Grimm. I'll be gone the rest of the day."

Chise: "You'll be back tomorrow right?"

Ruth: "I hope so. Apparently, those souls that Cartiphilus had stash in his lab are still running lose. I must help him send them back to the afterlife. Will you be alright?"

Chise: "Yeah. Your job is important. Good luck and be careful."

Ruth: "I will. See you soon." (turns human and kisses her forehead) "Don't forget to-"

Chise: (blushing) "I will! Geez!"

As she watched from the window, Chise saw the Ruth was out of sight. She went to find something to wear for the date. It was a hard decision. Finally she made up her mind with a sleeveless sundress with a sun hat. When she got downstairs, she saw Silver reading a letter. She saw Chise and wrote on the back of it.

I will be away for a while. My Spriggan friend is very ill. I need to be there for him. Breakfast is on the table. And whatever you do, DO NOT LET ELIAS NEAR THE STOVE!

Chise gulped at the last part. She knows Elias can't cook not a damn thing after hearing the story about him making the stew for Lindel. As she shuddered at the thought of her husband cooking for her, she grabbed Silver's hand.

Chise: "I will guard that stove with my life. I know some meals, so I'll cook. Don't worry. Take care of your friend."

Silver smiled and hugged her. She packed some herbs and treats for her friend to feel better. Chise watched as she closed the door behind her after waving goodbye. Chise looked around. No one else is here. When Elias gets back from London, it will be just her and him alone. Suddenly, Chise put on a happy grin. She clapped her hands to her face. She can't stop smiling. She is suppose to be mad at him, but this is a good opportunity for her. For both of them. This will be perfect, but he needs to hurry back already so they can go to that place and come back here and be together.

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