You Became A Hottie!?

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Luca Summerfield yawns and stretches, shifting his bag to his shoulder as he steps off the train. He thought about the long boring trip he just had, relieved he wouldn't be doing it again for at least a year.

Luca looks around the train platform, searching for his family. He stopped as his gaze falls on a tall, sandy-haired hunk. 

Just my type sexy, athletic, slim, lightly tanned and so very tall. 

He decides to take the time to get his number before leaving.  

Luca walks toward his target. As he gets close he sees his precious little brother approach the hottie. Luca instantly forgets his attraction to the tall man, bristling protectively. 

Get away from my Olie. You're just a pretty face, not nearly good enough for my adorable little brother. 

Of course, he only thinks this. What actually happens is he smiles brightly and calls out to his brother. "Olie!"

Oliver turns toward the familiar voice. "Luca! How was the trip? Did you eat lunch? Any cool passengers?" Oliver chatters away as he rushes to Luca and hugs him. "Welcome home big brother." 

Luca is answering Oliver's string of questions as they walk toward the exit when he notices the hottie is following. Luca stops, turns with a slight frown and says, "Did you need something?"

Oliver freezes with a shocked look. The hottie looks confused, maybe a bit sad? Luca looks at each of them, "No way, Olie got a boyfriend? I refuse, this guy is definitely a player. He looks way to old for you and sexy." Luca rants while pointing at the hot guy.

Before he can say more, Olie yells " What the hell bro? You don't recognize Munroe!! "

"Munroe?" Luca looks closely at the now blushing and flustered hot guy, recognizing some familiar features. "Are you serious? Roe your so hot, and tall!" He steps up face to face comparing heights with their childhood friend. 

"It's been a while, Luca, no wonder you didn't know me right away." Roe acknowledges.

"Right! I can't be blamed for this." Luca steps back and tries to appease his angry looking brother. "I am sorry for thinking you are some dangerous guy Roe. Can you forgive me?" He looks at Roe pleadingly. 

"Yes, I understand," Munroe says, "I understand you think I'm a hot, sexy, dangerous older guy," He winks trying to embarrass Luca a bit.

But unfortunately, Luca is shameless and states, "Damn right! Now that you're so hot I'll have to keep away all the girls that will be after you. You're not allowed to date just anyone." 

Luca goes into full-on older brother lecture mode, raving about how no one will be good enough and anyone he likes he better bring by for approval. Same speech he would always give Oliver. Munroe looks pretty happy being lectured as they leave the station. 

Luca gets in the front seat of a taxi as Olie and Roe climb in the back. After giving the address to the driver, Luca relaxes in the seat thinking back to the first time he met Munroe Locke. 

Luca's memory~~~

I was grumpy. 

My Olie was having a sleepover with a new best friend. Some kid he was always talking about lately. I didn't even want to see the kid, so I was staying upstairs. As I walked down the hall toward my room to go to bed I overheard mom say that kid's name. I paused before passing my parent's bedroom door to hear more.

"It's heartbreaking how that man treats his family." 

"I know dear, but we can't make Alice leave him. Just keep doing as you have been. Listen to her troubles and we'll let Munroe stay over as much as possible." sighs,  "She's managed to keep that kid safe at least." 

"He's such a little cutie and so sweet, and Alice is so kind and hardworking. I just don't understand what she sees in that drug addicted asshat." 

I giggled at mom's swearing as I walked back toward the stairs. I decided to head to the living room after all where Olie and that kid had made a sleeping fortress. Blankets and pillows were piled all around. 

I crawled under a blanket draped across two chairs as an entrance. "Move over kid." I shoved my way between Oliver and the kid, "I'll sleep here." I stated leaving no room for disagreement. 

I've got to keep this clingy kid away from my cute, naive lil' Olie. It sounds like he'll be coming over a lot more so I had better get to know him.

"Yay, big brother will keep us safe." Olie squealed happily.

"Hello Olie's big brother, I'm Munroe Locke." says the kid with soft brown hair and big green eyes.

The kid looked nervous. "Call me Luca, I'll call you Roe, ok?" 

"Roe! I like it!" Olie stated cheerfully. 

"Y-yeah, ok" the kid stuttered.

This kid still seemed nervous, but whatever. Olie was happy so that's all that mattered. With that, we talked and giggled about silly kid things until dad called out for us to quiet down. We eventually went to sleep. 

I woke up to rustling sounds and movement. Was that kid having a bad dream? Thinking back to what I overheard earlier, I wondered how bad his dad really is. I reached over to Monroe, waking him gently. 

"Bad dream Roe?" I asked softly.

Roe blinked several times and nodded slowly.

"It's ok, big brother is here," I patted Roe's head smiling. "Do you want to talk about your dream?" 

Munroe shook his head no as his eyes started to tear up. "Can I have a hug though?" he asks. 

I hesitated then motioned him over, Roe snuggled closer as I rubbed his back to comfort him. Drifting back to sleep I thought, my Olie is the cutest for sure but this little one is also adorable. Maybe I can have two little brothers.

End memory~~~

Luca smiles and shakes his head at how grown up that adorable little Roe has become in just a few years since they last saw each other. He looks into the back seat at the two precious cinnamon buns thinking, if anyone does them wrong I'll make them regret it.

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