1-The Glowing Cavern (Pt 3)

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Luna's POV

After the blinding blue light disappears from my vision, I'm greeted with the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. A cavern full of millions of luminous rocks. The cavern is huge. I can't even see the end of it from any direction. The luminous rocks are the only source of light for what appears to be miles. 'How far underground am I?' I wonder to myself.

I start to wonder around. I can't hear anything, so I don't think anything lives here. But there's also no sign of spiders or other critters like that. 'Just where am I?'

Suddenly, footsteps and claws scraping the ground start to echo throughout the cave. They start off quiet, but slowly get louder and louder, as if the things making the noises are getting closer and closer. I look around frantically, trying to pinpoint exactly where the noises are coming from. I just can't seem to find out exactly. It's like the noises are coming from every direction. The sounds suddenly stop. I look around me one last time. I suddenly see two figures in the shadows.

"Who are you?" I question them.

"My name is Estella." One figure says. "And this is Aura, alpha of the wolf pack that lives in these caves."

"Alpha? You mean a wolf?" I question excitedly.

"Yes. I heard you, Luna, like wolves so I decided to bring her with me." Estella explains.

"I do love wolves, but I'm afraid I don't have time to hang around." I tell her. "I have get back to my friends."

"That can wait, my dear." Estella says. "Now follow me. I will show you the way out of the cave."

"May I ask where I am at?" I ask her, following her and Aura as they turn to leave.

"You are in the Glowing Cavern." She says simply.

After a few minutes, a small light shines from up ahead. A few more minutes pass, and we finally make it out of the cave. I gasp at the sight in front of me. The sky is dark as if it was night. There are a few stars, but not many. The many planets in the sky make up for the empty space. The outside of the cave is just a plains with tress scattered about. The plains goes on for a few miles some mountains and water takes up my view. From what I can see, the water is so clear, you can see the bottom of the lake/ocean.

"This is beau- huh? Where'd you go?" I question. Estella and Aura just disappeared. They were standing behind me a few minutes ago. 'Weird'

I look around again and suddenly see a small gathering of trees. There is a faint light shinning through them. I walk towards it. Once I reach it, I place my hand on one of the trees. I expected it to feel like rough bark, but instead, it felt like smooth like the wood you would put in your house as your flooring. I run my hand over the tree before ending the small woods.

At first, the trees are close together, but the further I got, the more spread out they became. Suddenly, I enter a small grove like area. There are many flowers surrounding a floating, glowing object in the middle. I look closer and realize it's like a basket ball sized planet. I walk towards it, feeling a sudden pull from it. I reach my hand out hesitantly. My hand connects with the small planet, and suddenly, a bright light shines. It blinds me momentarily.

When I can see again, I find myself back outside the Glowing Cavern. In front of me stands a middle-aged women with a pixie cut. Her hair is light brown with dark brown highlights. Next to her is a wolf.

 Next to her is a wolf

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