1-The Volcanic Island (Pt 2)

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Grace's POV

I open my eyes to see the blue light gone. No one is near me. Now that I think about it, why am I on a beach? I look around and notice a volcano behind me. There is smoke coming out the top of it, but most of the volcano is covered in lush vegitation. It must not have erupted in a very long time.

I look back out at the ocean. There is a smaller island to my right connected to the island I'm currently on. 'Might as well explore the island.'

I turn around and started walking towards the volcano. Half way there, a strange reddish blue light appears on my left. Feeling a strong pull from it, I walked towards it.

Pushing through some trees and bushes, I found something amazing in front of me. A glowing ball of fire and water is floating in front of me. With the want of touching it, I reached my hand out.

A red and blue light exploded from the both of them. Once the light clears, I'm in a whole different outfit.

While looking at the dress, I caught something shining on my left wrist

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While looking at the dress, I caught something shining on my left wrist. It's a bracelet. There is a small charm that looks like the weird thing that I just touched. It looked like fire frozen in a ball of water. An info box pops up about the bracelet. It explains that it will help me find my spirit animal.

Hearing a twig snap behind me, I quickly turn around to find a woman standing in front of me. She's maybe in her early 40's. She has very long, red hair. Her eyes are a light blue.

"Hello young girl, welcome to the Island." She says. Her voice is smooth and calm like the ocean around me.

"Hi. I'm a little lost. Do you think you could help me?" I ask, bring up my left hand to scratch my head and showing my bracelet in the process.

"Oh! Oh my gosh!" She squeals, lookig me up and down, making me panic.

"W-what's wrong?"

"I finally got to see it!"

I blink at her.

Not seeing a respond from me, she continues on. "You my child, hold the power to control fire and water." 'What is she talking about?' I think to myself.

"Sorry ma'am, but I don't have the abilities to do that. I just need to find my friends." I say nicely. "Don't call me ma'am! I am only 26!" She yells loudly, making me cover my ears.

I think Luna or Saph need to take me to the ear doctors when we get out of here. "Anyway. Reach your hand out the sea." I cock an eyebrow but did as she told me. As my hand reached out, she quickly pushes it to the left.

"Hey!" I shout at the sudden gesture.

A shocked expression covers my face as the waves crash against the left cliffs. I quickly withdraw my hand, bringing the water along with it, drenching myself in the process.

"It's obvious that you don't pull the sea to yourself!" She laughs, looking at my now drench clothes. I stared at her.

"What do I do! I'll get sick!"

"Just control the water on you and put it back in the ocean, duh." She says in a matter of fact tone. "Now it's time for the fire. Come with me."

I don't want to follow her. I need to find my friends and bring The Phoenixs back together.

As if she read my thoughts, the lady tells me, "If you don't learn how to control magic, don't even think about trying to find your friends." 'What does she mean? '

Running as fast I can, I catch up to her. "What do you mean?"

"In this world, there's evil all around, and for a newcomer like you and your friends, they will target y'all first." She explains.

"Why are we in here anyways?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know, but there was once a legendthat said sometime in 1000 years, billions of players would be stuck in this world and four warriors would be their savior from all evil."

So this game originally existed many thousands of years ago. I thought this was a new game. "How do you know this stuff?"

"I was one of the creators of this game. One day while testing, an unknown wizard cast a spell on me." She shrugs. "And I think he's the one causing all this shut down stuff I've heard about. Anyways, we are here."

I look down to find my self standing on top of the volcano I saw when the weird light dissappeared. It's flowing with hot magma. The plants around it are blazing with flames.

I gulp. Is this lady crazy! "Go closer." She urges, pushing me towards the edge.

"Are you crazy?! Stop pushing me!" I yell at her.

As if she didn't hear me, she pushes me closer. I throw my arm out swinging and yelling to stop, like a maniac. As I am getting really close to the edge, I close my eyes, to feel a burning sensation in my chest.

"Ouch! Control your fire girl! It's burning me!"

My eyes snap open and I caught a glimpse of my surroundings.

All the lava is still there, but all the flames were gone. Turning around, I saw the lady with ashes covering her face and her clothes all burned. "Nice job at 'controlling' your fire." She said with sarcasm lacing her voice.

Starting to believe what she said about magic, I stare at her clothes and laugh nervously, "Ummm. How do I control it?"

"Concentrate. You need to tame it first dumb dumb!"

Nodding, I close my eyes and feel the power flowing down from my body to the tip of my fingers.

After a few seconds of concentrating, my right hand was burning hot and my left hand a little cold.

I look down to find a flame engraved into my right hand and a water droplet on my left. "Now focus on both of the symbols engraved in your hands." She instructs me.

I nod and focuse on the symbols. After a while, I saw some fire and water bursting into life on both hands.

"Great! Now you can control your magic and destroy anything!" She claps.

"What's the point of this magic?" I ask her.

She thought for a moment before answering, "This magic is the balance of fire and water just like the balance between peace and war. The one who welds this magic would bring balance to the world. Now enough talking my child, you got a long journey before you. I wish you good luck on finding your friends. Also! My name is Cordellia" And poof, she's gone. I stand there, shock evident on my face

"Hey come back! I still have some questions!"

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