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justinbieber Hi

selenagomez Hello :)

justinbieber You seemed in good mood.

justinbieber not that I am complaining

selenagomez I...I just don't wanna be rude, duh

justinbieber aw, so nice

selenagomez so how are you bitch? Heard you're dropping an album. Purpose isn't it?

justinbieber yeah

selenagomez well, very good

selenagomez My sister loves you, y'know that?

justinbieber yep, just recently

justinbieber tell her I love her too, and I miss her <3

selenagomez copy

selenagomez now, tell me how will your album will be..

selenagomez I mean...is it full of diss tracks?

justinbieber no, not really

selenagomez then what?

justinbieber it's about her.

selenagomez Her?

justinbieber my ex-girlfriend

selenagomez oh

justinbieber yeah, I still love her.

selenagomez oh

justinbieber but she doesn't care about me. I believe that she hates me.

selenagomez oh

justinbieber keep up with those ‘oh’s

selenagomez SHUT UP!

justinbieber I can see you frowning 😂

selenagomez yeah

selenagomez right

justinbieber so...

justinbieber how are you?

selenagomez I'm fine.

justinbieber wow, that's great!

selenagomez I know ;)

justinbieber um, how are you with

justinbieber uh, Charlie?

selenagomez we're fine. Stronger as ever.

selenagomez he treats me right. Never gone to a party with a girl friend. Then he's not gonna text me in the middle of the night saying he cheated.

justinbieber ohhh

selenagomez 😏😏😏

justinbieber so shady asf

selenagomez I'm just kidding😂

justinbieber you aren't *pouts*

selenagomez I am!

justinbieber no😭😭

selenagomez ugh, fine.

selenagomez I'm sorry

justinbieber it's fine :)

selenagomez ppl say they're fine but they're really not

justinbieber let's say I am....

selenagomez What?

selenagomez tell me ;)

justinbieber I AM AN ALIEN FROM MARS 👾👽

selenagomez OHHH😂

justinbieber is that a point?

selenagomez what point?

justinbieber y'know..

selenagomez omg Y E S S S S S

Thank you for reading💕
Hope you like the story so far😭😳
Always smile, good bye.

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