My daddy has gone to war,

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"Daddy you cant go" I begged through my sobs hoping he would say he was joking "Princess, I will be back before you know it" he winked at me causing a giggle to escape my lips and a grin stretch on my fathers lips.

"Are you sure daddy?" I questioned not wanting him to be forced in joining the army "I'm more then sure princess, but don't you worry I will be back for all your birthdays and Christmas's" he ruffled my hair, I smiled brightly at him "Promise?"

He looked at me sadness filled his eyes as a stray tear dropped out of his eye "I promise baby girl"

He glanced at my mother as she was crying silently, my daddy brought his mouth go my ear whispering "Look after your mommy" I shook my head "I will I promise daddy" he chuckled "Well I best get going" he announced standing up,

"I love you two, my favorite girls" he kissed my mother and then holded his arms out wide too me, I ran into them without hesitation and holded my daddy tightly like I never wanted to let go. He chuckled and kissed my forehead "Be safe, love you" and with that he walked out the front door tears rolling down his face,

Without looking back he shut the door and left us heart-broken.


One week later--

"Hunny are you ready, school starts in 10" my mother shouted from downstairs causing me to hurry up with packing my bag. Today is my first year at high school! I am sad my farther missed it but he promised he would send me letters when he can.

I walked downstairs with my dads locket around my neck for good luck and ran outside to my mothers car. She smiled brightly at me "Are you happy for today" she questioned happily causing me to chuckle "I am mom"

She started her car and began backing out of the drive way, I didn't even notice she silent the ride there as I was too busy in my own thoughts. Me and my mother have came real close when my daddy left as we only have each other.

Every Sunday we go to the park and she would push me on the swings, she would always read my a bed times story at night and when my eyes come heavy she would kiss my forehead whispering "Goodnight princess"

"Hunny" I looked at my mother confused as why she broke me from my thoughts, then I looked around to notice we are already at school. I chuckled embarrassed and lent over to kiss my mothers cheek "Goodbye mom" I whispered opening the car,

"Wait" she shouted causing me to turn around facing her with a questioning look "Your farther would be happy to see you today" she said as tears pooled her eyes causing my vision to go blurry by the tears "Yeah" I whispered shutting the door and walking through the school gates.


Dear Diary,

School was great! I met a few people but they didn't like me much as they said I was wired as I only had one parent and not a daddy. I told them that he was away with some friends but they just made fun of me.

I met one person who treated me like everyone else her name is Olivia Haywood shes really nice. She asked for my name and I said you can call me 'Princess' she asked me why and I told her my daddy calls me it and I prefer Princess then Ruby (My real name)

I hope I have a good day today as-  "Hunny you have a letter" my mother shouted from downstairs causing me to stop writing and my heart to leap in excitement. I put my diary in my night stand and ran downstairs ready to read the letter,

She holded out a white envelope in her hands, I snatched it off her and ran back to my room closing the door behind me and jumping on my bed happily. I wripped the envelope open to find a peace of folded paper inside, I unfolded it and began to read,

Dear princess,

Its your birthday in a two months and I should be back before then (I hope) I have been trying to write to you all week but have been busy I am so sorry baby girl,

How are you and your mother doing? I saw that picture you drawed for me last night and it was beautiful, I have kept it in a safe place.

I hope to see you soon baby girl, love you x x

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