I forgot the pain

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"Ruby!" my mother yelled, I quickly ran into the kitchen to see a beer can in her hand. Shocked I looked at her and then realization swept over me and I began taking steps back, I put my hands up in surrender and flinched when she raised her hands. But no pain made contact with me. Opening my eyes I saw her rolling her eyes at me "Don't be so dramatic! I'm not going to hit you while guests are living here" she said.

Relief flooded me as I breathed out a breath "Yet" she finished, looking up I saw an evil look in her eyes that told me she wasn't done "Anyway, I want you to cook dinner for Chad and clean up. I'm staying out tonight" I nodded taking in everything she said.

I was about to walk off until she roughly gripped my arm, yelping in shock I whimpered as she roughly pulled me into her side "If you do anything wrong, or disobey me I will be sure to give you a smack or two" she finished before gripping her nails in a little harder making it hard to keep in the cry's before walking off.

Rubbing my arm where her nails had been, I quickly checked myself in the mirror to see if any tears had escaped or if the pain was still shown on my face. Then all too quickly I released myself of emotion, pain and I was blank. I felt nothing. And I liked it.

"Where you going?" Chad asked as he appeared beside me, I shrugged and grabbed my bag before opening the door and turning towards Chad.

"School" I said, just as I was about to close the door Chad put hes foot in the way and came beside me closing the door behind him. I looked at him confused as he walked towards hes car, he turned towards me mentioning for me to get in.

"Ill take you" he shrugged and got inside, I sighed but got inside and buckled myself in "Whats up?" he asked out the blue once we started driving. Confused I looked at him to see him looking concerned "You don't look right- in fact you look like your in pain" I sat there staring at him before shrugging like it was nothing.

"I'm fine" I lied, I was actually in pain. My arm was stinging and I felt really ill today, I didn't feel well at all. He gave me an unbelieving look before pulling into the school car park, I opened the door and jumped to my feet.

The world around me spun as I held my head in my hands gaining my balance. Stumbling towards the school doors I felt arms grab my sides and pick me up, shocked I let out a girly squeal which I wasn't proud off. I immanently punched out making me and whoever grabbed me fall to the floor and down the small set of stairs. The person never let go off me and kept me on to of them so I felt no pain.

"Seriously Ruby!" somebody groaned in agony, opening my eyes I saw that I was lying on Chad. Shocked I stumbled for words as I stood up but all to quickly I fell back down on top of Chad. He let out a laugh but groaned at the same time "Again? Seriously!" he laughed before helping us both up.

"What- WHY! did you do that?" I shouted angrily at Chad, he looked at me with an amused smile on hes face. He shook hes head and grabbed my hand dragging me back to hes car.

"I'm not letting you go to school like this!" he said opening the door for me and helping me inside.

"No! I got to go-" he cut me off with a laugh "Your given the day off school, and you moan?" he asked unbelievably.

I sighed "Well I don't want to go but-" he cut me off again "No buts, now how do you feel about ice cream?" he asked happily, I laughed but nodded my head and leaning my head back on the seat.

Its kinda weird, that for once I am happy since my father passed away. Every since I have been miserable, but not just cause of my father's death it was also because off the pain my mother was giving me. The hate she had to me was actually heart breaking. She was once a loving, caring mother and turned so quickly it was unbelievable!

"Who did this?" Chad asked concerned. Following hes eyes he was looking at the nail print in my arms. Blood was pouring out off it and for a second I forgot the pain, but now bringing it back up it still hurt like a mother fucker.

"Nobody" I shrugged it off, he didn't get chance to question further cause as soon as we pulled up to the small diner I jumped out the car and ran towards the building  shouting 'ICE CREAM!' I heard Chad laughing behind me and all of a sudden he was beside me grabbing me round the waist.

Tingles irrupt in my stomach making me shiver with pleasure, I felt Chad's mouth by my ear as he whispered "Calm down sweet cheeks, people will think you have never eaten ice cream before" he chuckled.

But, I haven't eaten ice cream since I was a little child. My father usto be the one to take me to get ice cream on Sunday's and ever since he was gone, I never eat it. But I wouldn't be able to any way as I have to earn my own money and I cant waist that on ice cream.

"Come on then" Chad chuckled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a table.

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