We aren't even a family.

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"Ruby!" I heard my mother call my name, I turned around to see my mother strolling into the kitchen in her work clothes that look more like shes going to a strip club.

"Yes?" I questioned not ready to get hurt by her again, I cant get on her bad side today..

"We have visitor's tonight, I want you too cook dinner, clean the house. Got it?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow tempting me to say no, I sighed. I couldn't tonight, but I had to.

"Yep" I replied silently getting up and packing my bag for school, I looked to see my mother drinking her old famous cider. I shook my head in disappointment, what happened to the loving mother I once new? what happened to our family?

Oh wait... We aren't even a family.

"I'm going to school mother, bye" I said quickly as I shuffled past her to reach the door, I felt a tugg on my arm as I was pulled back and crashed into a wall. I opened my eyes in shock as I met my mothers beady stare.

"Don't make me beat you tonight. The visitors are coming for the weekend to stay, be on your best behaviour or you will get it when they are gone!" she threatened as she loosed me and walked away, quickly but carefully I pealed myself off the wall and made my way outside into the cold air.

I don't know who my mother is having over for the weekend, but I sure hope they are nothing like her. I cant deal with two people beating me, I cant even deal with my mother beating me but yet another one of her friends?

I don't know what is going to happen to me.


"RUBY!" I heard someone shout my name, glancing behind me I saw my mother and...

Dropping all the pans and dishes on the floor, as my mouth widened in shock, tears rimmed my eyes at the person before me. I looked towards the floor and began picking them up quickly nearly dropping them and falling in the progress.

"Ruby, I would like you too meet-" I cut her off as I stared at the man before me "Chad" I breathed as I coughed the lump down in my throat.

Chad is my father's old best friend, he was in war while my father was and they suddenly hit it off. Yes, Chad is younger and he is utterly attractive. He would always visit me on my birthdays, and bring me presents.

I remember when my dad and Chad was playing poker in the kitchen, with some other guy friends of my fathers and they would always come and let me join even though I never knew nothing about poker. They would always let me play for fun.

"Hey princ- I mean Ruby" Chad coughed awkwardly as I just stared at him replaying the old memories. The last time I saw Chad was at my fathers funeral and I though I would never see him again.

"So.." my mother said clearing the awkward silence "Ruby, Chad is our guest for the weekend. Hes staying for a bit to see how we are both doing" he said in her overly sweet voice which reminded me so much of my old mother.

I smiled and nodded as I dished the food out on the plates and brought them too the table, everyone sat down and began to eat as me and Chad talked about old times.

"And then...and then he fell back off the chair and smacked his head on the fridge" Chad barked out a laugh as I remembered when my father fell off the chair during a poker game, I laughed with him until tears were streaming down my face.

"He then got up and grabbed the table pulling it down on top of him making him tumble over again!" Chad said as he laughed through it


"2 queens" my father put his cards in the middle of the table smiling in triumph as he put his hands at the back of his head while he leaned back in hes chair, I smiled impressed as Chad shook his head in amusement.

"I-" my father was cut off by his own groaning, we all saw as hes chair toppled and turned before it fell back onto the floor with a clatter and in slow motion my fathers head smacked off the fridge before it bounced off the floor.

I barked out a laugh as I was soon joined by my fathers friends, tears stained my face as my father got up slowly and began getting his balance by leaning onto the table trying to pull himself up. But before he knew it the table fell onto him pushing him back to the floor.

I crumpled over laughing as my mother ran in with concern and worry written on her face "Hunny, are you okay?" she asked but as soon as my father stood up with a beer stained face and wattsits stuck all over him she barked out laughing.

"Ha! Ha! very funny guys" my father said chuckling himself.

Flashback over~~~

"THAT DAY WAS SO FUNNY!" I shouted gasping for air as Chad nodded in agreement.

I haven't talked about my father in years, in-case I upset my mother but right now I don't care. Its good to have a good ol laugh from the funny times.

"AND WHEN HE STOOD UP-" Chad couldn't finish my sentence as he was cut off by the roaring laughter off himself and mine.

It might be a good thing Chad is back...

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