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"hey! I was only 6" I groaned as I covered my face, I felt my cheeks heat up- my reasonable excuses was 'it's cause I'm ill' and 'I'm just flushed not blushing!' But in fact, I was blushing.

"You-You came running and asked me what a-" I cut him off before he could say anything else, I made a shushing noise which made him laugh even louder. I shook my head smiling and let out a little laugh "I can't believe that day, I was so embarrassed and scared of what your father would say to you I just walked out" he finished. I burst out laughing at the memory as Chad blushed.

"It's not my fault!" I argued "I was young and confused" I added, Chad burst out laughing and that's when I crossed my legs over each other trying to hold it in. I needed toilet really bad and laughing constantly isn't helping the matter at all. I burst out laughing as I hunched over the table grabbing my aching sides.

I had my ice cream still in my mouth, as it invaded my taste-buds but when I was laughing it wasn't a pretty sight. The chocolate ice cream was spilling out of my mouth and all over the pale, white table. Chads face grew fatter as he held in a laugh that was dying to come out. While I was wiping the corners off my mouth free of chocolate, and took a big gulp off my cherry cola Chad started to let out a bark of laughter.

Spit flew from his mouth onto the waiter who had just came to take our dirty bowls, her mouth hung open in a state of shock. Chad reached hes hand over his mouth as he we shaking, hes laughter was muffled by the hand and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. My drink flew everywhere, Chad looked at me wide eyed as he stared down at hes top that had wet marks on it.

The waiter walked off mumbling something about 'How rude we are, and how we have no manners' I looked at Chad before we both burst out of laughter again. I got up stumbling over my own feet, I grabbed onto the corner off the table trying to gain my balance. I wobbled to the table as I grumbled things about 'Needing a piss'

People was drinking drinks as I walked past them, and when I got halfway there I saw someone drop there drink on the floor. It spilled everywhere "DON'T DO THAT!" I shouted loudly as I trembled into the bathroom not able to hold it anymore.


"You went mad at a lady for spilling her drink" Chad laughed as he ducked me into bed, I shook my head at how childish it looked. But it kinda felt good, it felt like I was a child again. When I actually felt loved, and cared for. Not abused, and lost.

"I needed a wee, it wasn't my fault" I argued.

"Sure it wasn't" Chad rolled hes eyes before getting up off the bed, I felt cold when he wasn't beside me. And I don't know what caused me to ask but I did:

"Can you sleep in here tonight?" I asked. Chad whipped hes head around to face me, and when he saw I wasn't lying in anyway he slowly moved towards me. He looked deep in thought which made me tremble with nerves.

"Sure" he shrugged, I moved over to one side to let Chad in, and when he finally got inside I smiled at how warm I felt. He snuggled into me and before we knew it we was laughing about earlier today. I still felt ill, but when I am usually ill I don't get treated like anyone would. I get treated normally, which for normal its being a boxing bag for my mother. But now that I actually think of it: I like being treated like this. And it sure as hell will hurt when Chad decides to leave to go back home.

"Can I saw something?" Chad whispered in my ear, I nodded too comfortable to move "I am so sorry Ruby, for leaving you when your dad passed away" I tensed as he brought up an soft, emotional subject. My lack of speech made him carry on:

"I just couldn't" he breathed "I couldn't face you, I couldn't face your mum..." He started "I couldn't even face this house, it was a memory that I didn't want to bring back" I felt something wet on my cheek and I looked up a little to see Chad was indeed crying.

I snuggled deeper into him, spelling hes scent that I could never forget "I was disappointed in myself, for letting that bomb hurt your father. I gave your mother my word that I would keep him safe, and honestly if I saw the bomb I would of risked my life for him" he choked.

"Shh" I whispered, I grabbed hes face in my hands, hes eyes met mine and they looked so broken "Listen here, It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that the bomb hit my fathers truck instead of yours, and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself" I whispered yelled, I could feel my own eyes water but ignored it.

"You was always the one who cared for someone else more then yourself Chad" I whispered "You was like a brother I always wished for, and it broke my heart even more when you never visited" I sobbed.

"But I miss him" Chad choked.

I looked him in the eyes, and all the pain drained away as I kissed Chad's cheek lightly "I missed him too" I breathed

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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