[7] Her Butler, Avaricious

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The sun's early morning welcome shone into my bedroom window, trespassing past my silk canopies and blindly me temporarily as I sat up on my bed, my eyes burning and lids heavy. What more was there to expect from sleep deprived nights on a daily basis?

"Countess," Rodric's voice called from the other side of the door, his knocks quick, "You're awake I suppose?"

"I hadn't slept, so no. Not awake. Just... up."

He walked in with a small tray and a small frown, Erin trailing behind him with a bright smile. She reached only to his shoulders and even as he bent over to prepare my morning tea, he still seemed to loom over her somehow. Erin opened up the blinds that harbored me from the sun's rays and began going through my dresses in the wardrobe, humming to herself.

"Today, Lord Phantomhive has requested your presence," he announced, holding the tea towards me, "for breakfast and lunch."

I blinked, trying to remember the last time I had spoken to him. The funeral. A few months ago.

"What do you think of this one, Countess?" Erin's voice said, bringing me back, "It's a nice day out and it's not too heavy."

I glanced over to her and saw that she was happily holding up a lilac tinted dress, with the skirt decorated on its sides with violet bows. The corset that went with it was new, so I could already feel my ribs bending with it. Yuki had picked out a matching petticoat and shoes, so I couldn't very well expect any discomfort. It seemed like a charming dress, and Erin appeared to be dying to put it on me. So I nodded, giving her a smile. Immediately, she went to work, her happiness bubbling throughout the room as she picked apart the dress piece by piece only to put it back together in a few moments when it was properly fitted for me. As I sipped my tea, I began to ponder why Ciel would want to see me. Repayment for what I had done at Madame Red's funeral? To discuss a new issue that had risen to Her Majesty's concern?

"Why?" I asked Rodric, sitting on the edge of the bed as Erin began working on getting me ready, "Does he need something?"

"As far as I am aware, it's a simple breakfast invitation," Rodric answered, his back turned.

Erin extended her arm towards me, indicating that I needed to stand up for her to fix the petticoat. Once I did, she held my arms above my head and the skirt and corset were fitted on me; tight albeit but properly fitted. I could hear Rodric working as soon as I had gotten off the bed, and when Erin finally let me turn around, my bed had been properly made without a trace of wrinkles and the linens had been changed. Rodric left the room soon after that and Yuki took his place, coming inside with a small plate filled with tiny breakfast pastries.

"You're not going to last long on the way there," she told me, winking, "I know you too well."

"I suppose I'm like my father." I joked, but no one even cracked a smile at this. They never did, and I supposed it was because talking about their late employers struck a nerve. I could joke about it freely since much of my memories from when I was a younger child seemed to be hazy and rather confusing. You see, there are only certain memories that seem to be quite clear... but those rarely made any sense most of the time. I would try and have one of the servants or even Rodric try and help me understand what they meant, but they all responded with the same answer: That didn't happen. I dropped it after a while, deciding that I would have to deal with it on my own since they couldn't very well look into my mind. It always starts the same, no matter how I try to think about it. It's dark. I'm in a room, and it looks like my old bedroom from when I was a little girl. I know this because there's a detailed painted hibiscus on the wall, just like there is one now. I can recall that I had just finished crying since I was wiping myself with my dress and it was rather moist. The door opens, and there's a man standing at the opening, with a few more men behind him. They're laughing, and they come inside...

"You're thinking about it again," Salvador stated, once again bringing me back to reality. I gave him a look of fake confusion, and he responded with a shake of his head. Like I had mentioned, they denied the memory of existing; naturally, they didn't like when I gave myself a headache over it. After the small snacks, the twins had walked me outside for some fresh air before I left. I suppose I spaced out when I had sat the seat on the bench, and Salvador had caught me. Out of all the servants, he was usually the most lenient with Yuki's orders.

"It keeps coming back to me," I explained, sighing, "ever since the burial... somewhat understandable and more vivid."

"Y que ve, Condesa? 1"

He was kneeling at my feet now, his hands stained with earth and face covered in sweat. His mustache was covered his mouth, but from the way his eyebrows arched and his eyes blinked, I could tell he was shocked that event had triggered another recollection.

"I'm crying for another reason. Not just because someone is coming into my room. And my mother is nowhere to be--"

"Countess, we will be taking out leave now!"

Salvador stood up from his rooted spot on the ground and extended his arm to me since it was the cleanest part of his body at the moment. "I hope you enjoy your time at the Phantomhive Estate, Condesa Adelina."


It was dark. I couldn't see past my fingertips, but either way, it didn't matter since I couldn't much move. On the wall next to me was the beautiful five petal flower, it's bright hues lightening the dismal feeling that was weighing down upon my shoulders. There were some dark stains splattered around the flower but it didn't faze me as much as the realization that I was alone. I tried to speak but I couldn't make a sound. My lips were chapped dry and my throat scratchy and sore. It felt like I had been yelling for so long that I couldn't let out a sound louder than a whimper. I couldn't yell for Mother. I just knew she wouldn't be able to hear me. And I couldn't cry for Father. I knew that for a fact he wouldn't be able to help. The door began to unlock. It made me jump, and I hugged my arms, staring wide-eyed as a man opened the doorway wide, and two other shadows looming behind him.

"She's nothing more than fine china waiting to be cracked."


"My Countess, wake up."

I sat up instantly, my eyes snapping open as the carriage came to a stop.

Rodric gave a small amused smirk in front of me, is head tilted. "You were dreaming about it again, weren't you?"

"Aren't I safe in my own mind anymore?" I snapped, using my forefinger to rub underneath my eyes, attempting to remove any trace of exhaustion. He didn't answer, instead gave a small shrug and stepped out. I waited for his hand before following suit, taking my time to look at the Phantomhive Manor for the first time. It was beautifully large, and the stairway at the front made you feel incredibly welcomed. More or less, it looked like my own Manor. With the small, intricate details here and there. There was a large fountain established nearby, and it seemed to have a substantial amount of stories. Impressive, to say the least. But what else could I expect from the Queen's Watchdog, Earl Phantomhive. We walked up to the grand front double doors and knocked, our postures impeccable and expressions unreadable. After a while, Rodric and I glanced at each other from the corner of ours eyes, confused. What kind of hospitality--

At that moment, the door swung open and a maid with plum red hair and bottle cap thick glasses suddenly stepped forward, bowing slowly with her hands properly placed at her front. "A-Ah! You must be Lady DelMare, we're delighted to have you here, w-we are!"


| R E F E R E N C E   P O I N T S |

1.) "Y que ve, Condesa?" means And what do you see, Countess? in Spanish


...My Countess orders, I obey; Anyone who dares interfere, will have Hell to pay...

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