[25] Her Butler, At The Crystal Palace

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Several dreadful days had passed by after my humiliating incident, and I not once had I stepped foot outside my room.

Meals were brought straight to the bed, neglected and taken back without a speck eaten. I was too terrified to try another bite in fear of hearing that horrific cane one again.

The twins came in several times a day to bring me new books to read, whilst Salvador decorated the bedroom with flowers and lovely bouquets. Yuki changed the sheets twice daily and Rodric cooked and stayed in the kitchen, leaving me to my own accord.

Since my stomach would start to growl well past midnight, I would sneak into the kitchen during that time and feed myself bits of whatever I could find before scurrying back into my room, almost feeling familiar to the routine.

The day of the curry competition I ordered Rodric to go on without me. I was still not ready to face everyone, not yet.

That morning, I watched with Yuki through the living room window as Rodric climbed into the carriage while the twins helped load all the ingredients he would need. Ciel was nowhere in sight, which was a great relief.

He had no idea I had left him alone in this.

Through the mirror, I saw Salvador's reflection coming from behind us both and I sighed, turning around. I was ready to eat the small bit of breakfast I had promised to try and just as I was about to cut into the omelette, the sudden loud neighing of a horse outside made us all jump, eyes wide in confusion and alarm.

"Bloody hell," I hissed, ignoring Yuki's berate for my language. "now what?"

Seconds later, there were quick angry knocks at the front door and I sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of my nose as Salvador rushed to open it.

I had no doubt in my mind on who it could be.

"It's Lord Phantomhive." Yuki mumbled, pouring some tea into a cup with her eyes closed, obviously annoyed. "Shall I send him away, Countess?"

Loud shouts began to emanate from the hall just outside the living room, clearly coming from Ciel, Salvador, Baldroy and Eren. I could easily tell that Ciel was a bit cross with me for having left him without any warning.

The memory of my episode days prior flashed in my mind and I waved my hand to Yuki, indicating for her to stop serving me.

As much as I loathed the idea of it, I had to face my responsibilities, no matter what personal troubles I came across. What kind of Queen's Snake would I be if all I did was cower away and hide?

"Get everything ready, I'll leave with him." I said in a stoic tone. Not wanting her to protest, I stood up from my seat and walked over to the doors, opening them and interrupting the bickering that had been going on.

All eyes turned to me and any movement ceased immediately, much to my pleasure.

"What's all the ruckus about?"

Eren and Salvador frowned slightly as I walked past them both, bowing nevertheless in respect along with Baldroy. Once I had stepped up to Ciel himself, his scowl if anything, intensified.

"Who do you think you are?" He spat, snapping his forefinger towards the waiting carriages outside, eyes narrowed. "We are a team; part of the Queen's Court. You cannot just walk away for your duties."

Eren opened his mouth, already beginning to stand up to defend and demand a bit more respect for me when I raised my arm, stopping him.

Then I smirked.

"Ciel," I sighed, shaking my head in disappointment. "why would you ever doubt my commitment to the Queen?"

Refusing to answer, he crossed his arms and continued glaring at me, as if awaiting another response. Indifferent, I shrugged my shoulders and began walking outside, passing him by before turning back around to glance at him with a coy smile.

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