[16] Her Butler, Trailing || 2

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A half hour later, we had returned to the Phantomhive Manor without a trace of our exhausting journey. As Ciel and I rested on the couches in his drawing room, we waited on Rodric as he spied from the rooftops of the manor and on Sebastian as he watched over Prince Soma and Agni, whom had swiftly returned soon after ourselves and had supposedly retired to their bedrooms. It had been under the butlers' impression that Agni seemed to continue his outings even after Prince Soma had gone to bed, and we were only waiting for the signal to proceed with the second round of trailing.

Unfortunately, I felt myself succumbing to dreadful sleep the more and more the minutes droned by, and my eyes became heavier and heavier until finally, I felt my head fall onto Ciel's shoulder. I had no more strength to resist and lift myself back up, and so I ceased to struggle, the combination of the chilly winter night and extreme exertion over the past few days contributing to my sudden doze. What felt like to be hours later, the sound of Rodric's voice made my head snap up, and I hit it against something rather solid, making me cry out in pain. Oddly enough, something besides me also hissed in pain, and I opened an eye to see Ciel also holding his head and I quickly realized what had happened.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, wincing as I gingerly touched the side of my head, "I didn't know you had fallen asleep on me."

Ciel shook his head, eye shut closed. "No, it's my fault for doing so."

"Well, let's go!" Lau called out to us, already up and ready to move. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes, staggering to stand up from the unexpected nap.

"Good, let's--"


The parlor door burst open and I squinted, frowning as I realized who was yelling at almost three in the morning. Prince Soma was dressed once again to go out into the snow, and I glanced towards Ciel, who in return shrugged.

"Let me come as well," Soma requested, walking up to us with his hands outstretched, "I have been aware that Agni continues to go out even after I have fallen asleep, and I want to know what he is doing."

Rodric and Sebastian shared a small look of acceptance, and Ciel nodded at Soma.

"I suggest you keep up then." he said as Sebastian placed his coat back on. "We are not going to be waiting for you."


The building Agni rushed into as we trailed a few yards behind him loomed eerily over us as the snow continued to fall down in small specks of white. There were two guards posted at the front gate, and I was surprised to see that Agni slipped past them without even needing to announce his name.

"This building..." Ciel mumbled, and I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "I'm starting to see the picture now..."

"What do you mean?" I asked, biting into one of the scones I had saved.

Prince Soma waved his arm to the side, seemingly positively anxious. "Whose house is this?!"

Lau placed a hand on the Prince's shoulder and smiled fondly, eyes closed.

"Now now, Prince. Patience, no need to panic!" he soothed, before looking towards the house in a knowing manner, rattling Ciel and I as we listened closely.

"It will be clear once you've gone inside," he began to say slowly, his hand now resting on his chest. "and then, you will be forced to face the truth, whether you like it or not. You..."

I had to admit, I was incredibly impressed by the wisdom of Lau. Never would I have guessed that he knew what was occurring just by seeing what house Agni had waltzed into. What a stunning aristocrat--

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