[32] Her Butler, Seasick

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The salty sea air overpowered my senses by tenfold as we reached the port with perfect timing. Seagulls flocked above, fishes splashed below and the dock beneath us rocked ever so slightly with each step that we took. There was a reason why I made sure to stay a distance away from the dock itself and that was because I became nauseous quite easily. All the swaying made my head spin.

I cringed as we walked deeper into the harbor to reach the depot, ignoring Finny's 'oooh's' and Erin's 'aaah's'. Each of us held our identification documents tightly in our hands, excluding Mey-Rin, the twins and Finny. Sebastian held theirs instead. There was a slight breeze and it would be highly unfortunate for a sheet to go flying and land in the ocean's waves.

Head high, Ciel took the lead as we began to reach the boat itself and I scurried to stay at his heels, hoping that if I began to feel sick I could simply fall backwards into Rodric's arms and not Lord Phantomhive's. I wasn't planning on embarrassing myself during this trip for any reason; There was far too much at stake.

However, everyone's state of serenity even more so put me on edge since they had no idea how vital this trip was.

My hands began to shake.

Heads turned as we walked past a long line of passengers waiting to be boarded but I wasn't sure if their attention was caught because Rodric and Sebastian had easily managed to stack all 36 of our suitcases and were holding them with ease or if it was because we hadn't gone to the end of the line as per usual protocol.

Either way, we had special rights for this ship since it belonged to my uncle Theodore.

"Oi! You can't just cut in front of us! We've been waitin' for hours!"

I chose not to look back as our baggage was being checked in, maintaining a firm grip on my fan as I waved it back and forth to cool me down. Ciel turned his head slightly to stare at whomever was shouting at us and immediately, the ruckus subsided.

"Why, don't you have a scary glare for a lad," Yuki snickered, stepping onto the platform that separated sweet, still land from the dreaded ship that would soon be my vile captor. "Impressive!"

Ciel shot her a threatening glare that even scared Salvador but Yuki only smiled warmly, waving him away as she stepped into the boat.

She wasn't one to be easily frightened.

"I can't wait to see some sharks!" Baldroy exclaimed with Mey-Rin and Finny at his sides, each flashing proud and rather excited poses. "This trip is going to be great, thanks Countess!"

My stomach flipped at the mention of sharks and I held onto the rail to my left, leaning over it as I tried to contain my breakfast. I gave them a weak wave and allowed the rest of the servants to board the ship before beginning to even consider boarding myself.

I could easily die here and now if I fell over the railing and into the bloody sea.

"Adelina, it's time to go now," Ciel's voice insisted with a slight hiss, "Please don't make me force you."

I wanted to shake my head at him but just the thought of all the unnecessary motion made me gag.

"It's alright, just go in my place," I mumbled as I continued to screw my eyes shut, "Rodric will direct you on what to do."

Ciel scoffed behind me and leaned his face in closely by my ear, speaking lowly and threateningly.

"Adelina, you tricked me into agreeing to travel across the bloody ocean with you for reasons I've yet to fully understand. You are getting on this ship with me whether you want to or not because frankly I will not fail on this favor... and also because you're blocking the passageway for the oncoming passengers."

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