[10] Her Butler, Betrothed

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- | Curry Contest Arc | -

"And for breakfast, I have prepared a lovely array of--"

"No, you have not!"

I jumped at the sound of clattered plates behind me and I glanced behind my chair to see Rodric shaking his head in disappointment while Yuki stomped her foot in frustration. The twins immediately went to sweep up the broken shards and Salvador began to nibble on the scone he had managed to steal, leaning against the doorframe as he watched the eldest servants bicker.

"You always give her such posh food. Let her eat something comforting!"

I sighed softly and smiled, watching her continue to berate Rodric while he listened, a bit irked. Yuki never ceased to find a way to criticize how Rodric served me. It was almost amusing since it was a well-known fact that he was a demon. Even so, he didn't respond, only nodded and smiled politely at her like a true butler would.

"Then, why don't you make her breakfast, Yuki?" he challenged lightly, his devilish intentions quite clear. This would have played out rather nicely if I hadn't been so hungry, but unfortunately, I was, and so I stood up with a frown, stopping their childish banters.

"I expect a breakfast in ten minutes, from either one of you," I ordered, my arms crossed. In an instant, both Rodric and Yuki set off towards the kitchen, their bickering once again igniting as soon as they had reached the far halls. I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat, thanking Salvador as he pulled the chair out for me. Erin took the seat to my right and her brother took the one on my left, each seeming excited. When I raised my eyebrow at them, Erin pulled out a newspaper from her lap and spread it out on the table in front of me, and then Eren slammed his finger down on the cover page.

"There have been murders about in London," he stated, his smile wide. The twins had an awfully odd sense of entertainment.

"That's right, they're being stripped of everything and being hung upside down in front of shops." she continued, shifting around in her seat.

"Hm, I see," I said, taking a sip of my tea as Salvador brought in the breakfast that Rodric had made. I could tell that the demon had made it by the expression Yuki wore as she took her seat on the opposite side of the table.

"Speaking of which, you've received letters, Countess. One from Her Highness, and another from Lord Phantomhive." Rodric announced, placing them in my waiting hand as Eren began to fill my plate with fresh fruit salad. I smirked and bit into a piece of cantaloupe, waving my fork around as Erin opened the letters.

"I suppose this means it's started to get interesting."


Internally, I knew it had been a poor choice to walk through a dingy alley, but in retrospect, it hadn't been my choice... it had been Lau's.

"A noble, eh?" one of the grimy vagrants pressed, his stench making my nose scrunch up in disgust. "Showing up in a place like this, you're asking for it!"

The man immediately snatched my umbrella and my breath hitched. I squinted at him in agitation and watched as Rodric stole the umbrella back, but not before he had been knocked into the wall behind him hard enough to shatter his ribs. Rodric despised filthy people who decided to touch me without my approval and felt the same. It was a trauma that I had acquired when my parents had passed away, and it's stuck with me ever since. Another group of homeless beggars stood up in rage, walking towards us when they saw how Rodric had dealt with their poor friend.

"It seems we are caught among some irritating punks, yet again, Young Master," Sebastian commented, to which Ciel did not respond. Another beggar tried to take another snatch at my umbrella, but I would not be fooled twice. Swiftly, I sidestepped and whacked his back with the tip of the parasol, knocking him onto his face the second he had lost his balance.

Finally, Ciel spoke. "Sebastian, dispose of them."

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