Chapter 10 ♥

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I was stuck, and had no idea what to write. Please forgive me ♥

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"Who's Sean?" Justin asks, examining me with his look.

"U-u-uhm.." I stutter. If I didn't tell Erin about Sean, I certainly couldn't tell Justin.

And just when I'm about to open my mouth and say the best lie I can think of, Scooter shows up and knocks on the door, interrupting our conversation.

Thank you, Scooter.

"Justin, we need to go. Go take a shower and come on." Scooter says, starting to walk out of the room. "okay, in a minute." Justin says. "no, now. We have a flight in a few hours. We need to get our stuff ready." Justin sighs and gets up. "we'll continue this later." he says and walks away.

I sigh. "hey, are you okay?" Scooter whispers. "I heard a scream." I swallow my spit. "yeah.. Just a nightmare." I try to fake a smile and hug my legs as I remember the dream. "okay. Go get ready. We'll be out of here soon." I nod and he leaves.

I let another sigh come out and bury my head between my legs, wanting to disappear from this world.

~Le Later~

"My bag is ready!" Justin shouts as he zips his bag. I hear Scooter shouting something as I shut my eyes while grabbing a pillow and putting it under my head.

"Em.." I hear Justin saying. I don't answer. Just sigh. I feel him lying by me on the bed. "babe.." he strokes my arm with his fingers. "Mmm..." I mumble, wanting to sleep. "You can't fall asleep... We have a flight in two hours and we need to go soon." he says, moving his fingers down my body.

"I'm tired..." I mumble to his soft touch. "Me, too but I stay up." I sigh once again, open my eyes and sit up. "Fine... I guess I'll sleep in the plane..." I rub my eyes and let him grab my hand and play with it. "Em." he says, looking at our hands. "Who's Sean?" he asks, looking at me now. "How do you know about Sean?" I ask. "You said his name while sleeping... Who's this?"

I gulp. I did? Oh my.. What else have I said? I take my hand and get up, walking to the closet to see if there are any clothes left even tho I already know it's empty. "Emily... " I hear him getting up. "it's nobody." I say, not looking at him. "Then why did you say his name? What were you dreaming about?" He grabs me from behind. "Nothing.. I can barely remember what it was about.." I say, getting out of his grip and walking outside of the room while dragging my suitcase. I hear Justin sigh.

"Hey, guys." Kenny says. "Are you all set to go?" He asks. I nod at him and go to the fridge to get something to eat. I'm starving - again.

I grab myself an apple and a bottle of water and go sit next to Alfredo, who's focused on the tv.

"Hey, Freddo." I smile at him as I take a bite from the apple. "What's up, Em?" He repeatedly changes the channel since there's nothing interesting to see. "Not much... Just eating an apple." I raise my hand with the apple to show him. He nods at me and stops on Channel E!.

He sighs and rubs his eyes. "Someone here is tired.." I smirk, taking another bite. "Yeah... Justin and I played a lot yesterday..." he chuckled. "He beat you up again?" "Ye- what? No! I totally kicked his ass!" I titter and pat his shoulder. "Whatever helps you sleep at night.." "Shut up." I chuckle some more before I take a big sip of water. I spit it all out as soon as I see the title on the screen.

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