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"Should I start it?" Ellis questioned, looking at me if I should. I just looked away, waiting for someone else to answer. Ellis gained a nod from the rest of the group, while I tripped on to my sword a little bit more comfortably. He turned it on, but since he was a little too far from my tower I chucked a pipe-bomb the direction where the zombies were already coming from. "Good toss!" Ellis complimented, as The Horde started coming in and tried climbing the tower we were on. Every time they got a little too close I either shoved them or killed them. He came up and finally took over the position, killing them with whatever handgun or assault rifle he had. "Are you okay?" He asked, killing them as they came up.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, just the tiniest bit annoyed with him.

"Y'see, when a girl says that I usually think that they're holding up off. So what are you actually thinking about?" Ellis and I seem to be having a basic conversation even though this was the end of the search and we were just trying to get away safely.

"Ellis, I really didn't appreciate it when you decided to put a car over the value of my life. Even joking about it made me upset." I spoke the truth, knowing damn well that we were going to struggle to not talk.

"I'm sorry, I was just never really got to have a beautiful car like that and I get real nervous around girls." Ellis kicked off a pair of zombies getting too high up.

"Nervous?" I asked, looking at him. Did he mean Zoey?

"Yeh-" He stumbled, has he got a little busy talking to me. Too much that we failed to notice that one common infected grabbed him by his ankle and started yanking on him to fall to the floor. "Help!" He cried, as I grabbed onto his hand before he could fall down. I pulled them back up and grabbed onto the beam with my arm in the way of him falling I use my left hand to cut off the zombie's arm. I looked back to my side, seeing that helped him made my side over run. "Thanks, doll." Ellis started shooting his side.

We needed a little help, but considering the fact that it was just us two up here we can do much. I looked to the other group to see them struggling just as hard or more than us. I considered us lucky to be having the higher ground, cuz it took the zombies twice as long to get up here.

Then, as if I jinxed it. There is a huge chunk of debris already flowing at us and it barely missed us. And hit the metal part of the stadium, making the debris fly past us in the dust get into our lungs. I coughed, looking at what had cause the truck to go flying and I noticed that it was a tank. "Fuck." I noticed the zombies were thinning as they were too scared to come and face us while the tank was out.

"Tank!" Ellis screamed, as it was on the bottom of our structure. I cling on to the metal part of what I saved us with previously. The tank knock down the structure we were standing on with another debris of rock, so don't lie there was nothing but at least us and we were just holding on to metal bars above.

I hanged off with one hand, holding my weapon with one hand. I quickly chucked the sword at the tank to miss his head and only got his arm. I looked back to Ellis, having his whole body on the structure and leaning out to pick me up to. I put both of my hands on the metal beam, reaching my right hand to cling on to him. He yanked me up and we were perfectly safe as of distance but not rocks being thrown at us.

"How the fuck are we getting down?!" Ellis screamed, as the structure we use to get up here was gone.

Soon a helicopter came around, and we looked to Coach, Nick, and Rochelle already near it and climbing into it. "Hey!" I screamed, waving. Ellis and hear a smoker on the ground, we feared that the drop was gonna kill us when it got one of us. The helicopter swung around, coming closer to us with Rochelle and Coach gesturing for us to jump in. I looked to Ellis to see him shooting the smoker but the bullet spread had no effects. "We're gonna have to jump." I told him.

"But the blades are right there!" He gestured them to have it one inch above our height.

I had an idea, and I had to say it. "Tell them to push back the helicopter! Bring it to the open-air next to the stadium, we're going to climb up there!" I yelled, as they nodded doing as I said. I dropped down a level to hang by my hands yet again but climb towards the top of the roof through the structural hold. "Come'on Ellis!" I told him.

"We're gonna die!" He yelled.

"We have a chance!" I told him, already climbing the hold.

We both began to climb, having chunks of rocks thrown at us and the constant fear the smoker pulling us down and killing us. We persisted, getting closer and closer to the end goal as the helicopter got ready for us to take off. As I look back at Ellis over my shoulder I could see him with a look of fear in his eye, and he looked back at me as I tried to calm him down with a smile. Suddenly, a smoker grabbed at his neck and tried calling him down.

"Ellis!" I cried, as he used all of his strength to hold himself up in the air. I let go of one hand and grabbed his weapon. Empty. I threw the damn thing at the smoker, hitting it in his face and apparently it was enough to let it go and detach. There was no time for things, as we were climbing up the railing. We finally made it to the top, and I pulled Ellis up upwards and shoved him onto the helicopter.

My turn... I started to jump, but the Tank threw a rock at the bottom of the damn thing and made the helicopter swirl. I started falling short as they backed up to not hit me.

Ellis grabbed onto my hand and we started making a get away. When I finally got pulled into the helicopter, I looked to everyone looking happy, seeing that they were enjoying being alive.

We almost died, I started crying in joy from the relief. I hugged Ellis, as we went through the same thing and he saved me.

"It's okay, it's okay... we're still kickin'!" Ellis brushes my hair back.

Bashing Heads - Ellis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now