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"Look! The whirliebird!" Ellis pointed out as it was landing on the flightpad. "We're close!" Ellis started running backwards as he was the fastest out of all of us currently. I was usually, but I took the back row. Before we moved further, a chunk of rock was thrown in front of us. We turned to see a tank hitting it's chest. "Paths blocked!" Ellis shouted back to us.

I looked around, seeing a sentry gun on a truck. "Ellis, take the gun! Rochelle and I will give back up! Boys start trying to get that heap off!" I shouted, as everyone scrammed to do what I said. I kneeled down next to Ellis who was already on the gun. Rochelle stood near the guns making sure she got the zombies we couldn't get so they wouldn't get the boys clearing the way to get out of here. We piled bullets into that tank, and it was getting too close. I looked around for anything, a grenade! I grabbed onto it, and if I know this well enough... five seconds to pull the pin. Ellis noticed my grenade. "Throw it!" Ellis told me.

"Hold it!" I yelled, ripping the pin in between my teeth and continuously holding onto it. Four seconds... Ellis was shooting at the damn things head as I shot at it with one handed pistol. "Almost!" Three... I wacked off zombies at our feet and shot at them. Two... I pulled back and threw it. "Now!" One... it was next to the tank's face. It exploded, knocking it back and landing on the floor.

"We can climb over! Let's move it, ladies!" Nick screamed, as we all rushed over it and started cutting into the damn area for escape. "Faster, guys!" Nick's wild encouragement of words helped.

We rushed up the steps, and all drove ourselves the chopper. I grabbed onto Ellis' hand and he pulled me in as the chopper closed it's doors on the zombies.

"We... We did it!" I shouted, taking a big hug from Nick as I started crying in joy. "We survived!" I cheered, Ellis picking me up and kissing me instantly.

"Fucking... finally." Nick mumbled, already leaning back into his chair he already claimed.

"Thank god... you think they have any cheeseburgers at the base?" Coach asked.

"I hope so! I worked off so many calories." Rochelle was pressing her hand against her stomach. "I think I shrunk two sizes."

"And I made it with my girlfriend... what more could I ask for?" Ellis smiled, setting me down to my feet.

"Your old car?" Nick said, getting a punch in the ribs... by me.

"Oh this reminds me of the time me n' Keith-" Ellis started but we groaned. "What!?" He exclaimed. "It's the perfect time for a story! We have the time!" Ellis commented, and we finally started to listen in on one of his 'famous' stories about Keith and him. Let me tell you something about them.

Don't fall asleep...

Bashing Heads - Ellis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now