Chapter 10

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I take a sip from my glass of white wine, staring at the skyline through the damp window. The never-ending rain seems to have momentarily stopped, with the perfect timing because I'm having visitors in a few minutes.

I make my way to the living area, discarding my glass on the way and sitting on the larger couch. I stare at the sheets scattered on the coffee table. I should have been grading papers, but the only thing that my mind's been on for the last two hours is Alexia standing in my kitchen with wet clothes. I feel certain part of my anatomy coming to attention at the mere thought of her.

I let my frustration out with a heavy sight. This won't do. I pick one of the sheets, trying once again to read past the first paragraph.


Who does she think she is? Didn't her parents teach her manners? What a feisty little thing. I offered her a roof to save her ass from the storm after her so-called friend abandoned her, and she says something like that? Alright, alright, I did ask her to give me her honest opinion, but I was not —certainly I was not— expecting her to say what she said. Why do I even care, anyway?

What a fine ass she has, though.

Getting even more frustrated by the road my thoughts are taking, I decide to check on the dinner cooking on the oven before I let myself go any further. Just as I'm doing so three soft knocks on the door catch my attention. She must be here.

"Hi, Georgina." Georgina is standing on my door sporting one of her finest smiles, all black dress and high heels.

"Hi, Nate." She stands on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my left cheek, her plump lips brushing lightly against my stubble. 

"Come in." I step aside, making room for her to walk in.

Michelle is arriving to town this weekend, and Georgina suggested it'd be a good idea to meet up before her arrival. I didn't understand why, but I agreed anyway. I offered to cook dinner for her for a change, since we always go somewhere in the city.

"What a storm huh?" She comments placing her purse on the kitchen table before walking towards the window.

"Yeah, it was crazy."

"How was your week? Giving a hard time to your students?" She cranes her neck back, a shapely eyebrow raised at me. 

I believe is the other way around, Georgina.

"They are good kids."Kids being the key word here.

We are halfway through dinner when Georgina address the issue of Michelle arriving tomorrow. 

"Do you want me to go with you to pick up Michelle from the airport?"

"That's not necessary, her flight is landing late in the night, but thank you."

"You don't seem very excited about seeing her." 

"I am. She's just... a ball of energy."

"I know, she's like an energizer bunny. Maybe that's the reason we get along very well, she's the party-goer outspoken one, while I'm the shy one." Her confession takes me aback, especially because that's not the impression I have of her.

"You don't appear to me as the shy type."

"That's because you've known me since I was like fifteen." The words roll easily off her mouth, but I pick on the way she blushes and in her finger swirling a lock of her long dark hair. 

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