Chapter 21

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An imbalance in my body's temperature wakes me up, but I refuse to open my eyes. My body is tangled in different blankets, but my feet are getting cold. I'm a socks on kind of person, and hate going to bed without them. Let's just say that last night they were the last of my concerns. I shut my eyes tighter, trying to get back to sleep.

My mind is starting to drift off again when scattered words begin to be heard in the distance.

"Wake up, sleepy head." The distant words become clearer as someone plants a tender kiss on my cheek.

"No..." I groan like a small child, frustrated. I'll never be a morning person.

"Come on, don't be lazy." I peek an eye open and I'm instantly blinded by the sunlight making its way inside the bedroom. Honestly, what is it with people and thick curtains? "Well, I guess more waffles for me." I sense a weight leaving the bed, and the promise of food makes my eyes flutter open at once. 

When I focus my eyesight, I find Nathaniel standing next the bed, cladded in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt, his unruly hair the cherry on top. How can he look this good so early on a Saturday morning? He looks at me with a diverted expression as I stir in bed. 

God my hair surely looks terrible, let's not talk about the makeup I of course didn't take off last night.

"Watching you asleep in my bed has to be one of my favorite sights ever."

"Good morning." I smile shyly at his words.

"Good morning." Flashbacks of last night's shenanigans come back to mind, the heat flaring up my cheeks. I remember him saying that he wanted to give this thing a go. I remember falling asleep in his arms, feeling completely elated.

"Hey," he comes closer and leans forward, kissing me full on the lips. I pull the covers up to my chin, recalling how I'm still naked.  "How are you feeling this morning?" I move to one side and pull myself to a sitting position, giving him space to sit next to me.

"I am...marvelous." A nervous giggle resonates in my chest.

"You sure look like it. And if I recall correctly, you also scream marvelous."

"Nathaniel!" I say in shock, using one of the pillows at my disposal to hit him on the chest. How dare he saying that? "Take that back!" Ok, I know I tend to be a little...vocal during sex, but from that to screaming –there's a difference. 

"What? Why?"

"Because I don't...scream!" Why is this feeling so embarrassing?

"Yeah you do," he's trying to keep a straight face but he is failing miserably "like a madwoman." He states, just to contradict me I see, wiggling his eyebrows, but senses I'm not feeling it, and lets it go quickly. "I meant that as a compliment, anyway."


I lower my gaze to see under the dining table, looking at my feet now cladded in warm, cozy socks. Nathaniel's socks. He got in such a mood when I told him that I woke up a few times during the night because my feet kept getting cold. You have to understand – I told him ­­­– that waking you up in the middle of the night or getting off bed to find a pair of socks myself, was beyond reach last night. 

He didn't protest, and instead gave me the most winter-ish socks he could find, a big frown on his face. As usual.

"Did you really cook this?" I ask as I gulp a mouthful of waffles and bacon.

"Why is it so unbelievable?" He rolls his eyes, as this is at least the third time I have doubted his culinary skills. I could have sworn he ordered it from the café down the street.

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