Chapter 11

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September 07th.

I'm sitting outside Hero Coffee Bar on Jackson Blvd, staring at my almond biscotti latte and my half-eaten sriracha bagel. I was supposed to go to the movies with Josh tonight, but he bailed on me last minute. Abigail had a family dinner, so calling her was a no-no. I was all ready to go, so I decided to take myself for a solo-treat. I don't often come to this part of the city though, since it is a little too far from the University, but today I needed a change of scenarios. This past week absolutely nothing went fine, missing lunch with Andrew yesterday being the cherry on top.

I hear someone mumble a curse word, and I actually want to cry when I peer up and see no one else than Nathaniel Rowlins walking in my direction.

This is too far-fetched. This is a big city, how is it that everywhere I go, I end up bumping into him?

Needless to say, my night just got 80% better. 

"Are you stalking me or something?" I bark out of the blue; I'm not taking more bullshit from this guy. Sorry, professor. Whatever.

He comes to a halt right in front of me, hands hidden in his pockets as he seems to be at a loss for words. He changes his weight from foot to foot repeatedly before he finally speaks. 

"Listen, I was out of the line yesterday. I was having a bad day and took it out on you. I just wanted to apologize; after all, I'm still your professor and you're still my student." 

I look at him with an impassive expression, not believing my own ears. His apologize is unexpected but welcomed, although his second remark makes me feel completely out of place, almost guilty. I contemplate him a bit longer than necessary, , trying to discern just how honest he's being, or if whether there's a hidden agenda behind it.

"Okay." Not knowing what else to say, I give him a head nod.

I know I shouldn't be talking to a professor like this, even if we are in a non-professional territory, and I know I could get into serious trouble if I don't start working on that brain to mouth filter soon, but there's just something whenever Nathaniel is near me that makes it impossible for me to elaborate a decent sentence.

"Okay?" He sounds puzzled. I limit myself to flash him a smile. Without further ado, he walks inside the place, shaking his head.

Nathaniel Rowlins is an odd man. I knew it since that first night he approached me at the bar.

But the oddity in him is not only related to his self-important behavior, or his almost non-existent understanding of human touch. The heaviest part of it relies in the fact that even so, I can't find it in me to dislike him. I can't find it in me to not want to be around him, even when his presence pisses me off.

That is one of the most disconcerting feelings I've ever had about a person, and I can't wait for the semester to be over.

Once I'm done with my meal, I throw the empty plastic container in the trash can and walk inside Hero to grab some cinnamon bites to take home. 

As I approach the counter, I see that Nathaniel is sitting in one of the stools, frowning at his cellphone before tugging it into his jeans pocket.

In an attempt to show him that I took his apology to heart, I ask him if everything is alright. "Did someone dare to stand you up?" 

"My sister was supposed to meet me here, but she decided that Zac Efron's abs are more praiseworthy." This time, I actually laugh at his comment. Zac Efron's abs without doubt beat any guy at any time.

"That makes two of us. On both sides." Ge turns on his seat so now he's facing me. "I was supposed to go watch that same movie with a friend, but I was bailed on."

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