Chapter 3: First Day

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Chapter 3: First Day

My alarm wakes me up and I groan. I hit it with my hand and get up. I put on the outfit I picked the night before. I leave my hair down and straight. I put a black tank top under my plaid shirt, and I tie a bow with the ends of it. I look almost the same from four years ago. Other then my hair that is now blonde.

I grab my Roxy multipurpose bag with my favorite book, "Soul Surfer", Bethany Hamilton is truly inspiring.

I pack a few snacks and a water for my lunch and I say goodbye to Katy and walk out the door. As I close the door behind me, Jesse walks out of his house too. I pretend not to notice though. I start walking and he catches up to me.

"You know where you're going?" He asks.

"My friend already showed me how to get there," I tell him quietly.

"You already made a friend, Cali?" he asks and sounds like he's surprised. "Who with?"

"Sammy," I reply shortly.

"Oh, so you're getting in with the populars, you really have changed huh?" he asks.

"I don't care about my high school popularity ranking. Who do you hang out with anyway?"

"The jocks of course,"

"Well you've changed to then."

"Things change."

"Yea, but I wish they didn't."

He looks at me oddly, like he knows what I meant. I meant that I didn't want his and my friendship to change but it did. I walk away and see Sammy coming out of her house.

"Hey Sammy!" I wave.

"Hey Cali! You look different then yesterday."

"Good different?" I ask.

"Yea," she says.

We walk the rest of the way together. We walk through the doors of the school.

"I'll take you to the other girls,"

We walk through many halls and then I see five girls. They have to be the cheerleaders.

"Girls, this is Lilly, but we are gonna call her Cali, she's from California."

I recognize one of the girls, Halley.

"Halley?!" I say excitedly.

"Lil!" I give her a hug. "I can't believe you moved back!"

"Yea, well, you can thank my Aunt Katy." she smiles and I do to.

At least one of my old friends is treating me nice.

"I will thank her for bringing my bestie home!" she cheers.

I laugh a little.

"Lil, this is Sarah, Tyra, Jasmine, and Cece." She points to all the girls.

Sarah has straight dark brown hair and she's short and thin. She has brown eyes and she's pretty, but all the girls are pretty. Tyra has darker skin, crimped black hair, she's a little taller than Sarah, and she's also thin. Jasmine has wavy dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles on her nose. She's very tall and skinny. Cece has curly red hair, and green eyes.

Sammy has brown hair and grey eyes. She's short and small, no wonder why the other cheerleaders can throw her so easily.

I'm the only one with curly blonde hair, I have green eyes and some freckles like Jasmine.

"So I hear you're from California," Jasmine says.

"Yea, I moved there when I was twelve and lived there for four years."

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