Chapter 10: I Forgot...

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Chapter 10: I Forgot...

I'm still sleeping, I'm so tired and comfy in my bed. Then I hear talking, I know both those voices.

Katy, and Jesse.


Then I hear footsteps, coming closer to me. I feel someone kiss my forehead softly, Jesse.

I force my eyes to open up, and they are a little watery. I lay there and Jesse stares down at me.

"Happy Anniversary," he whispers.

What anniversary?

"I can't believe I met you all those years back,"

Oh, the day we met, today. I forgot...

I say, "Happy Anniversary,"

He smiles and shakes his head, "You forgot, didn't you?"

"Kinda, I might've remembered once I was fully awake," I tell him.

"Don't worry about it, I'll let you get ready for school and then we'll head out."

"Okay." I say.

He walks out and I quickly change into a tank top and some jean shorts. I throw on some converse and grab my bag. I go in the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. Then I walk out and Jesse sits in the living room while Katy makes breakfast for us.

"I made some French toast," she says.

"Yum," I say and sit down with Jesse.

She gives us each two slices with syrup and powdered sugar, and we dig in. Katy is a really good cook, she went to college for culinary arts and she's always wanted to open up her own restraunt. She also gives us orange juice.

Jesse and I thank her for breakfast and walk to school.

"I feel bad that I forgot,"

"Don't worry about it, I know you weren't thinking about me when you were in California, but I was always thinking about you."

He thinks I wasn't thinking about him? Really? He's all I could think about for the first two years.

"That's not true, I was always thinking about you. Once we moved you were one of the only things I thought about. I couldn't stand being away from home, away from you."

He leans down and kisses me.

"I didn't think you thought about me, I thought I was just crazy for still having a crush on a girl that left four years ago. I tried to feel the same thing with someone else, but it never happened. That's why I had so many ex girlfriends and things like that. I thought I would find someone like you."

That's why he hung out with the jocks and went out with so many girls. He was trying to get over me.

"When you came back, there was my mind that wanted to still be mad at you, but my heart wanted me to not be mad, and go after you." he says.

"I never would've guessed you thought about me, and you're not crazy for maintaining a crush on a girl for four years, because I still had a crush on you for four years. And I went out with a guy, David. He told me he was in love with me, and I just sat there frozen like a statue. I didn't know what to say because I didn't love him, I was trying to get over you. But, he said I didn't have to say it back and I just said thank you."

"So we're both guilty of trying to get over each other," He says and I nod. "You know there's Greek mythology, and supposedly the first humans had four arms, legs, eyes, and ears, two noses and two mouths. Zeus thought they were too powerful so he split them in half, and they spent their entire lives searching for their other halves. Their other halves are called soul mates."

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