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"Where's Jin?"Jungkook asked

"He left" I answer

"Oh, why"Jungkook looks at me

"Oh yeah, he had to do this thing"Jungkook said answering his own question

Time skip~(brought 2 u from all this gayness)<-----(idk, either)

Jin's P.O.V

I was sitting in my bed hugging my jumbo teddy bear regret filling my room up.

"Why....."I ask myself

"God-fucking-damn it Kim Namjoon"I screamed

Not only did Namjoon, may I remind u MY BULLY took my first kiss and made me remember shit I didnt want 2 remember.


"N-no s-stop please"I scream

"Shush baby, it'll be fine"He said

"I-Im not ready y-yet"I said sobbing

"Does it look like I care, c'mon baby"He says pinning me to his bed

"N-NO"I say and push him of

I broke up with him that day but that caused him to say I was gay.

Then I would almost got raped multiple times, until he took it and left me broken

End of flashback~

I started sobbing, I was a mess. Nothing could calm me down now, I wanted to go to namjoon and say sorry for slapping him and that it was a reaction becuz of what Ive been through....but.....I couldnt.

I got up from my bed and went to the restroom. I found a blade and re opend my wounds. I screamed over and over but the didnt keep me from stopping I felt like I deserved all this pain. I threw rhe blade to the mirror causing it to crack but I couldnt give a fuck right now. I got out of my apartment and ran to namjoons. Thankfully when I got there the others had left. The door was still opend cuz Yoongi had just left. I ran around the apartment looking for namjoon and finally I found him.

"J-jin.....WHAT THE FUCK"Namjoon said as he saw me looking like a mess and saw my bleeding arms.

"N-namjoon I-im so sorry I-"Before I could finish I passed out.

Namjoons P.O.V

I grabbed Jin and cleaned his arms, then I called everyone and they came as quick as they could.

"Oh shit, fuck"Jungkook and Jimin said at the same time"He had a panic attack...."

"WHAT"We all screamed

"Its never gotten this serious"Jimin said

"What the fuck happened, Joon the fuck u do"Yoongi said looking at me

"I did something but I doubt it caused this"I said

"Just fucking tell us"Hoseok said freaking out

"I-I was gonna tease him in the morning when he was cooking by giving him a light kiss on his neck but he turned around and I ended up k-kissing him"I said looking to the ground not wanting anyone to see my red face

"U did WHAT"Jimin screamed

"U fucked up....bad"Jungkook said"U reminded Jin of h-him"

"First of all who's 'him' and the fuck u mean"I asked confused as fuck

"Look he'll tell u when hes ready but now isnt the time to explain"Jimin said"Now carry him 2 ur bed, hes staying the night here....I trust u don't make me regret it. K?"Jimin said looking at me

"K"I said carrying Jin to my bed

Time skip brought 2 u by 2 bugs fucking in the grass(I need Jesus(Viktor))

Jins P.O.V.

I woke up feeling instant pain on my body. I looked over and saw a figure that looked like him and jumped off the bed"Ow, Fuck"I said

"Are u ok"Namjoon said getting up and picking me up from the floor

"Y-yeah"I said"F-fuck"I said right after

"Don't worry Ill carry u"Namjoon said smiling howing off his dimples

"Oh shit, fuck me"I mumbled

"What was that?"Namjoon said

"N-nothing"I said blushing

"K"he said smirking

He brought me to the kitchen and set me down.

"Joonie"I said

"Hm"he hummed

"Why r u being so nice, what happend to u bullying me all the time"I said curiously

"Ur hurt and I dont want to hurt u"Namjoon said preparing food

"Why I thougt u wanted to push me around"I said

"Well I guess I changed"Namjoon said

"Oh I get it now u just wanna use me"I said looking down

"W-what no"He said looking at me

"K, ill believe u for now..."I said looking down

"Oh also, I heard what u said"Namjoon said smirking at me

"W-what"I said confused af

"I would gladly fuck u but u 2 weak right now"Namjoon said winking at me

"Im just teasing, Chill"Namjoon said laughing his ass off

"Wow Joon, haha ur so funny"I said sarcastically

Wuddup, its ya boi Author~Bitch
Ur welcome 4 updating, k bai!!!!!

(Ew wtf was myself from two years ago thinking. Smh)

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