- prologue -

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T H I R D  P E R S O N ' S  P O V

"Dan, I don't understand why you won't tell me who this mystery girl you sound in love with. Surely I will approve?" Rose chuckled, locking her front door. It was about ten o'clock in the evening, and the fawn-haired girl had decided to sleep after a long, exhausting week. The only thing that seemed to take her mind off the stress and pressure of her new job was talking to her best friend Dan, who she had known for about several years.

'I know you'll approve of her, but I'm just worried that you won't approve of me dating her,' Dan explained, and Rose could tell that he was running his fingers through his hair - a habit he's had for years.

"Ugh - you're no fun, Danny boy. When I see you on Saturday, we've gotta discuss her. I mean I'm already planning the wedding! You guys sound perfect together," she sighed happily, lost in thoughts of the brunet boy getting married.

'Maybe...' he nervously responded, terrified at what her reaction would be if she ever found out the identity of the mystery woman.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon. Love ya!" Rose chirped happily as she turned off her kitchen light, entering her bedroom.

'Love you too, Kate Winslet,' Dan joked before hanging up. Rose shook her head at the ridiculous joke that she had been told since the day she was born. She was usually irritable when it came to jokes about Titanic and such, but somehow Dan managed to slip past her radar. She could never get mad at him for those jokes.

Perhaps it was because that was the first thing he had ever said to her, or maybe because she had watched that movie countless times with him, and it always made him laugh whenever she would perk up at the mention of her name during the movie. Someone could lay out over a million reasons why Dan had the privilege of not facing Rose's wrath when it came to Titanic jokes, but she would not be able to find the reason in the pile of reasons. Little did she know that the answer was right under her nose, but she wouldn't learn this for a few months.

As Rose climbed into her bed, she felt a gaze upon her. This is something that usually didn't phase her, as living alone brought paranoia like this, but in this particular gaze, she could feel the sinisterness of the eyes. She attempted to push away the feeling as goosebumps rose upon her skin, but she wasn't able to shake off the strange feeling lingering in her soul.

Bundling herself in blankets, she turned off her lamp and let sleep take her.


Rose's eyes opened softly, adjusting to the darkness of her room. Waking up in the middle of the night was not unfamiliar to Rose, as ever since she was a little girl she had the habits and desires of a night owl. She attempted to sit up, but her body was paralysed. Her heart rate quickened, pounding against her rib cage in panic.

What's happening to me? she asked herself, terrified of the situation she was in. Unbeknownst to her, a tall, dark silhouette stood in her doorway, admiring the innocent creature only a few metres away from him. The smell of purity and vulnerability caught his attention as soon as he entered the bedroom, and he had many corruptive, dark plans for her.

'You're getting a visit from me, love,' his raspy, strong voice whispered in response, being able to hear her thoughts. Rose's stomach dropped as soon as she heard the voice, her tear brimmed eyes darting to the voice.

Did he break into my house? What does he mean 'a visit'? A million thoughts and scenarios raced through the young girl's head as the mysterious figure walked towards her, sweat trickling down her forehead.

'I didn't break into your house - I broke into your consciousness. And I think you can figure out the dots to your other question, sweetheart,' he chuckled as he circled around to the end of her bed. His dark eyes met hers as he slowly pulled away her duvet. He bit his lip at the sight of the cotton shorts and thin shirt, dumbfounded at how a girl could look so innocent yet sinful at the same time. He desired to take her right now, feel her nails dig into his skin as he had his way with her, but he knew he needed to wait.

'Out of all the people I've visited, I think you're my favourite,' he said, crawling onto her bed. Warm, salty tears ran down Rose's cheeks as the man knelt at her feet, his menacing looks and manipulative aura terrifying her.

Please go away.

'I'd rather not - I quite enjoy your company, even though you're sweating, trembling and crying,' he smirked, his hand softly running down her calf. His fingers felt like ice against her milky skin. His hands wrapped around her ankles before he pulled her to him. He placed his right hand next to her face before leaning down and inspecting her features. His breath grew heavier as he touched and studied the girl, his small seed of obsession had already blossomed into a flower. His left hand lightly ghosted Rose's collarbone and cheek bones as his smirk grew wider. Her legs trembled as he leant down further, a few centimetres away from her lips. He did everything to resist attacking those plump, untouched lips, because he knew if he even let himself do something as simple as that, all hell would break loose.

'You're definitely my favourite now - you're drenched in innocence. Fuck, I love it when I get to play with an innocent one,' he told her, his left hand resting on the side of her thigh.

An innocent one? Rose's fear for the man multiplied by ten once the sentence left his lips, petrified at what her future held as she was now his 'favourite'.

He left a kiss on her pale, soft neck before getting off her bed, crouching next to the girl.

'I can't wait to see you again, Rose. You're a lot of fun. And by the way, you can call me Josh,' Josh informed her, standing once again. He returned to the doorway, a smug smirk along his lips. He took one final look at the girl he was now infatuated with, wishing he could stay forever.

'Also, just a little bit of information, I can read your thoughts, and it's very exciting to know how afraid you are of me. I'll see you again tomorrow night,' he cackled as he disappeared into the shadows of Rose's room.

She woke up sobbing, clutching her chest as her eyes darted around the room in panic. She remembered what he had said to her, and was terrified of what Josh's visits would hold for her in her future.

Sleep Paralysis - Josh Franchesci, You Me At Six AU (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now