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R O S E ' S  P O V

"So how was it?" Kelly asked, sipping her coffee.

"It was... amazing. I was able to connect with so many people and share stories. I finally found people who actually understand what I'm going through," I explained, a smile on my face as I went over the night once more through my head. "I met this guy named Max. We really connected, and coincidentally enough, he works up at John's place," I mentioned, nodding towards the engineer store. She looked towards it before looking back.

"You know, we might even be able to find you a partner, Kelly," I joked. She blushed lightly, fiddling with her coffee cup. Speak of the devil. My eyes wandered over to Max walking towards us, waving slightly.

"Hey, Max!" I called, making some space.

"Sup. Who is this lovely lady that you're speaking to?" he asked as he sat down, gazing at Kelly. This is amazing. I gotta get them together

"Max, this is my coworker and friend Kelly. Kelly, this is my friend Max who I met last night at the support group," I introduced, smiling softly. They shook hands, Kelly completely glowing. I stood up, brushing my pants and shirt before picking up my bag. "Well, I better go back to the shop. I'll catch you guys later," I lied, making my way back towards the shop. From what I've learnt about Max, they're gonna be perfect together.

"What happened to lunch plans with Kelly?" Dan asked. I looked over towards the sound of voice, seeing him parked on the side of the road. I crossed my arms, a smirk on my face.

"What happened to work?" I shot back, walking towards the car.

"Not on today. I was about to come join, but it seems I've just missed it," he pouted jokingly. I opened the car door, sliding in.

"Nah - I just decided to play a little bit of matchmaker. So how about we go somewhere?" I chuckled. He shrugged his shoulders, pulling out into the street.

"Sounds good. Where to?"


Dan and I walked into a burger place, grabbing a booth near the front. We talked about last night, how our days have been and such. The reason why he wasn't working today was because they had hired new staff earlier in the week, and Dan had the opportunity to switch out some shifts for different times and days as he had been working there for so long. A waitress came over and began to take our orders.

"Awesome. Your orders will be over soon, lovebirds," she smiled before walked away. We both began to blush a little, Dan looking like a tomato shortly.

"Uh, that was a bit awkward..." he said, smiling like an idiot. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh well - nothing we can do about it," I mumbled. We continued talking, a light blush still on our cheeks.

We soon got our drinks and burgers. We ate them quickly, both of us starving. Once we were finished, we paid and made our way back to the car. He dropped me home, leaving a small kiss on my cheek. I closed the door, blushing softly.

Dropping my keys onto my kitchen counter, I made my way to my bedroom as I hummed a small tune. I dropped my bag at the door and closed the curtains. I changed into my pyjamas, before turning around to walk to the living room.

Josh stood in my doorway, making me jump. He walked over to me, grabbing me by the wrist before dragging me out into the living room. He pinned me against the wall, breathing heavily.

'You're really fucking pushing it now, not even trying to keep him away. Well, I'm done. I'm fucking done with these games!' he fumed, kicking my armchair over. 'I LOVE YOU, SO YOU ARE MINE!' he yelled, all the doors in my apartment slamming shut. I walked forward, my body shaking. Was it because I was afraid? Or angry? I couldn't even comprehend what I was feeling anymore. But that didn't matter - I was sick of Josh and his possessiveness over me.

"NO I AM NOT, JOSH. LEAVE ME ALONE! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!" I screamed back, watching as his eyes turn darker by the second.

'I WILL NOT LET ANY OTHER MAN OR WOMAN TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME, YOU ARE MINE AND THAT'S HOW IT'LL BE FOR ETERNITY. FUCK! GOD! DON'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU DO TO ME?! I-IT'S LIKE YOUR HEARTBEAT LIVES WITHIN MY CHEST, CONSTANTLY BEATING RAPIDLY, AND I NEED TO BE NEAR YOU IN ORDER TO MAKE IT STOP!' Josh screamed, kicking my furniture. He stopped, looking towards me. He ran over and kissed me, grasping the back of my thigh. I fought against him, pushing him off. He stumbled back slightly. He looked back at me, fire in his eyes. He was pissed off.

"D-don't do that," I whispered, my voice quivering. I stepped back as he towered over me, looking down at me in anger.

'Why won't you let me in? I can give you anything!' he pressed, his hands shaking and face red. I was scared to admit the truth, and he could sense it. He probably figured it out. I swallowed my fear, deciding to tell him. Although he screamed at and hurt me, I knew he would never kill me or put me in danger.

"I have feelings for Dan," I murmured, staring at the ground. I closed my eyes and cowered slightly as I heard him destroy my furniture, his grunts and growls on the verge of a scream.

'THAT FUCKING DICK DOESN'T DESERVE YOU! I'LL SLIT HIS THROAT IF YOU EVER LET HIM IN! HE WILL NOT TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!' he boomed, grabbing me by the arms. He held me close to his face, gazing into my watery eyes. He pushed me down onto the couch, pinning me down with his body weight. I felt myself become paralysed.

'You belong to me - no one else! I swear if he touches you or your innocence I'm going to break his neck!' Josh growled, showing off his pin sharp canine teeth.

You're a monster. Why can't you leave me alone? Josh's angered expression shifted into a pissed expression as he heard my thought, angered by my disobedience.

'You are mine, and no one is taking you away from me,' he snarled. Before I could even reply, he grabbed my head and turned it to the side before connecting his lips to my throat. He nibbled and sucked at my throat, making me wince at the pain. After a few minutes and a few changes of spot, he stopped.

'My mark is there now. No one can give you this mark but me - understand?' he barked. I gazed into his dark eyes, confused.

I don't even know what you've done to me. He chuckled pitifully, some hair falling in front of his eyes.

'You can find out in the morning.' He kissed me once more before he got off me and disappeared.

Sleep Paralysis - Josh Franchesci, You Me At Six AU (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now