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Hello readers,
Welcome to Sleep Paralysis! This book is a fan fiction of artist Josh Franceschi and his band You Me At Six. If you are not interested in reading a fan fiction about these people, then you should probably leave this book. If you do want to read, then please reading the following:

This book includes mature themes:
- Violence
- Murder
- Abuse/torture
- Stalking/harassment
- Sexuality

One of the books main themes is sexuality. The sexuality in this book is heavily assault/harassment associated, but there are consensual moments. It's often mentioned, and later on there will be quite explicit moments.

There is also a tad bit of gore/heavy description of injuries. If any of these themes do make you uncomfortable, I please advise you do not continue reading this book! Your mental well-being comes first.

I would like to clarify that I do not condone the negative behaviour that I write about! There are things that I include in Sleep Paralysis that are extremely horrible and disgusting, and I just want it to be clear that this all creative purpose.

I also would like to clarify that Joshua Franceschi/You Me At Six are human beings and are not like their book versions. Some I write about in a positive way, some I write about in a negative way. Regardless, I don't know any of them personally, and this book doesn't represent them in a truthful way. Once again - creative purpose.

I began writing Sleep Paralysis in 2018 and completed it in 2020. Sleep Paralysis is my own story, and I do own a few characters. I absolutely do not tolerate someone copying my ideas/books. If you are interested in incorporating something from Sleep Paralysis into your own works please DM me. I've been working hard for the past two years, and it's absolutely disrespectful and hurtful for someone to just copy it without asking for permission.

I do not plan to write anymore chapters for this book. If you have written one, please tell me! I would love to read your stories :)


Sleep Paralysis copyright DemDifferentStories 2018 - 2020
Sleep Paralysis is protected by the All Rights Reserved copyright law and the DMCA process used by Wattpad.

Sleep Paralysis - Josh Franchesci, You Me At Six AU (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now