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R O S E ' S  P O V

I woke the next morning with caked blood all over my torso and thighs. Luckily, many of the cuts had already began to scab. I fell out of bed, hissing as my hand went to the largest cut. The cut where he drank my blood. I shivered at the thought of it, pushing myself up.

I made my way to the bathroom, inspecting all the cuts along my skin. I grabbed a washcloth, wetting it with warm water. I washed away the caked blood, leaving thin, red slits. I applied bandages, sighing softly. I grabbed a dressing gown before making my way to the kitchen. I sobbed as I ate breakfast, miserable from all that's happened.

I changed into a pair of jeans and plain shirt, tossing a sweater over the top. I brushed my hair out, tying it into a lose braid before applying foundation over the hickies.

'Rose?' I heard Dan call out as I slipped on my shoes, making me furrow my eyebrows. I grabbed my bag before making my way to the living room where Dan stood.

"You must be eager to see me," I joked, hugging him.

"Haha, very funny. I texted you when you didn't answer the door, so I let myself in," he explained, tucking some loses hairs behind my ear.

"Oh... well, let's get going!" I exclaimed, opening my door. We made our way to the car and drove to work. I kissed Dan on the cheek before getting into the store.

"Hello, Mrs Flint," Kelly called out, mischief in her voice.

"How did you find out so fast?" I asked, making my way into the back room, her following close behind.

"Oh I don't know... because I'm the orchestrator of this?" she revealed as I placed my bag away. I gasped melodramatically, turning to her.

"Oh my! How could I have possibly not realised that you, the villainous Kelly, was behind this!" I shrieked, posing like a damsel in distress. I dropped the act, chuckling a little bit. "Well thank you, conductor. So, all we need to do is get the store re-organised and we're off the rest of the day?" I checked, pulling out a few boxes.

"Yep. Then we'll grab lunch and I'll help you get ready for your date!" she squealed, grabbing stacks of folders. I shook my head, laughing at her excitement.

"Okay, how did you know about that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. I placed the boxes down, turning to her.

"Dan was so excited he literally called me as soon as he got home," she giggled, opening files. I rolled my eyes, pulling out more boxes. What would I do without her?


"Okay, so I'm thinking... sexy casual," Kelly said, pulling out a cocktail dress that I wore to someone's twenty-first. I shook my head, shooing her away.

"Dan isn't taking me to a nightclub or fancy restaurant - he never takes girls there," I pointed out, biting my lip. She nodded, turning towards me.

"Well, knowing Dan... he'll probably take you to somewhere related to the both of you, the cheesy guy he is. Hmm, what about... blue skinnies, this cropped top, boots and leather jacket?" she proposed, pulling out the items of clothing. "Yep, this is the one - no arguments!" she exclaimed, handing the clothes to me before leaving the room. What an adorable dork. I pulled on the outfit, admiring myself in the mirror, a big smile on my face.

"You can come in!" I called, turning towards the door. The door opened, Kelly entering like a flash. She gasped at my appearance.

"I'M A GENIUS - YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" she cheered, hugging me tightly. She inspected my face, murmuring to herself.

Sleep Paralysis - Josh Franchesci, You Me At Six AU (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now